May 3, 2012

tid + bits

+ I have something embarrassing to admit. I like the series The Real Housewives on Bravo. I am a closet reality t.v. junky :) what can I say?! I got really excited when I saw they started a new series with the woman of Vancouver! As you all know, I am Canadian. My grandparents live in Vancouver, which is just one of the most beautiful places I have ever been too! Anyways watching it has made me miss my grandparents who live there. I wish I lived closer, I know I would spend so much time with them. I love them so much. Odd connection to make me miss them, haha but watching the show really made me think of them. LOVE YOU GRANDPA & NANA!

+ I may, or may not, have been self medicating Trevor leaving with junk food....

+Speaking of junk food, I consider chocolate milk the best cheat food! The beauty of it is, it is actually really great for helping restore your muscles if you are a runner. So after I hit the gym and do 3 miles or something, I come home and don't have to feel guilty about drinking lots of chocolate milk, it is one of the best things you can drink after that kind of cardio, bonus!

+Packing for the Breathing Spaces Blogger Retreat! Super excited to have a blogging sleepover with a bunch of amazing women! Can't wait to meet & mingle with you all :)

So I know I mentioned that Trevor likes to use the kitchen table chairs as his "clothes line"... so I just had to show you what he left there to dry before he left for Phoenix. Back when we were dating he got these hideous, in my opinion, sheep hair seat covers for the two front seats in his car. I absolutely hate the things, I think they are a total eye sore. He of course LOVES them. I just had to show you guys these things since they have been sitting in my kitchen for days now, haha. Do any of your husbands or family members have stuff that you just hate? I am actually embarrassed when driving the car, haha.

check out some other tid + bits
in my life that have been

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  1. Love the Canuck tshirts! I need something like that for Canada Day :) And although the sheep skin seat covers are pretty bad, my husband has an old soccer tee in a hideous blue colour that he wears around the house. I don't hesitate to tell him how ugly it is lol. Although he's not ever allowed to call my sweatpants ugly but that's another story ;)

  2. that ice cream looks INCREDIBLE!

  3. I am huge Real Housewives fan! I heard about the Vancouver series, but I haven't seen it - when does it come on??
    Chocolate milk is what my trainer told me to drink a glass off after my workouts. Or that Muscle Milk - same thing really. I love that!

  4. The Orange County House Wives is my Mama and I's guilty Mother-Daughter pleasure, so I understand... don't worry... we keep it a secret too. Sorta.

    And I have been craving junk. It just isn't good. I have actually put back on a pound that I lost. Sad. I hope it's water weight. I've been working too hard for that! I do Ovaltine... chocolate milk, but with added vitamins. If you don't do that I would recommend it...


  5. oh man, i love real housewives. my favorite is new jersey. it's the only reason we have cable. sad, i know.

  6. I love chocolate milk! Good luck with coping without Trevor, my fiancé is leaving on Monday and it'll be 6-8 weeks of long distance again... I don't even want to imagine the amount of comfort food I'll be eating!

  7. Go Canada! The T-shirts rocketh.

    Chocolate milk? Mmmmmm.

    As for stuff my husband has that I hate, he has a seemingly endless collection of T-shirts. And, hey, whatev, I support his "style" (::cough::) and I've never tried to change it, change HIM or control the way he dresses; I'm not that kind of gal (read: a control freak). As a graphic/digital designer by profession, he's lucky in that he CAN wear T-shirts and casual clothes. Plus, he looks good in almost anything, so, you know: who cares.

    But there are occasions -- outings, birthdays, whatev -- where we all need to take it up a few notches dress-wise, but if it were up to him? He'd wear the damn T-shirts ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME. And I'm like, "Er, honey? I love you, and I support your Massive T-Shirt Love, I really do, but in the name of all that is good and holy you need to quit it already with the 'all T-shirts all the time' business. Look at all the nice knits and shirts and sweaters in your wardrobe, calling your name and saying 'STEP AWAY FROM THE SLEW OF T-SHIRTS, DUUUUUDE.'"


    Apparently I have more of a problem around this than what I initially suspected.

    Bwah! :P

  8. Hahaha those seat covers! I'm with you...I'd be slightly embarrassed to be seen riding with those.

  9. Ha! Those shirts.
    That ice cream looks amazing!!

  10. I'm sure I'll be doing a little ice cream medicating when my boyfriend goes to Greece for a month this summer
    : /

  11. Love chocolate milk :)

    My husband got a yellow truck recently. When I say yellow, I mean brighter than the sun yellow. Tweety bird yellow. So yellow you have to have special sunglasses to even look at it. Okay, maybe I'm being a little dramatic, but I'm not a fan of yellow vehicles. I'm warming up to it though...still...why couldn't it be black, or white, or gray...or something more natural?

  12. I am a closet Real Housewives lover too! We don't have cable now but I used to loooove watching the show. Their drama makes me happy to be exactly where I am. And, I'm def going to have to indulge in choco milk after a run.... Love that!! Do you think almond milk works the same way?

  13. Ice cream makes me salivate and crave for it. =)

  14. Now is the perfect time for a tragic seat cover accident. :) Just kidding! LOL. My husband is a neat freak like me, only he thinks having piles of stuff on countertops is organized. I say, clear countertops and stuff needs to go in drawers. Clutter is the enemy, even organized clutter. :)

  15. no worries.... I too am a SUCKER for reality TV! :P

  16. I am also a huge housewives fan - there is no shame in that! It's hard to argue that it's not entertaining. I love reading your tidbits posts!

  17. I really love chocolate milk too...I must pick some up later!

  18. gosh! I feel like I always miss out on amazing blogging conferences and retreats! This looks so fun! Have fun!

  19. I love those Canucks shirts! Where did you find them??

  20. mmmm chocolate milk is my faaave! i also truly believe regular dark chocolate is the perfect cheat. =)

  21. i am an out of the closet reality tv junkie.

    and bravo knows how to make excellent trashy television!

  22. Oh man, I am obsessed with Housewives. I hate the drama but I love to see where they eat and shop. Good fun!

  23. Umm, that ice cream looks INCREDIBLE!! You are a girl of my own heart. And, those polka dots are adorable. I'm in love with them right now. xo

  24. I had no idea there was a RHO Vancouver. And I'm basically obsessed with all the other cities! I'll have to check it out.

    I remember when my hubby & I found out about the chocolate milk day ever!

  25. I agree that chocolate milk is the greatest cheat foot ever.

    The retreat looks fantastic!! I hope you have a wonderful time.

  26. I LOVE the picture of you and Grandpa with your matching shirts. I also love the 'no bangs' I know you just got them cut but you should grow them out again :)

  27. P.S. I think the BYU creamery has the best chocolate milk ever and you live right there. I'm jealous!

  28. The Canuck shirts are very cool - too bad they aren't Sharks shirts!! :)

  29. My boyfriend has these awful swimming trunks. They were originally orange and white checks, and now the white has turned brown. They were ugly to begin with and it's only gotten worse....ickkkkkkkkkkk.

  30. My husband had a sweatshirt from Ambercrombie back when he was in highschool...he's almost 30.. I refused to let him wear it outside and it finally gave up the ghost recently. I can't STAND men who wear frat boy stuff. Thankfully he's decent in public.. ;)

  31. That dress and sweater! So adorable. The blogger meet up sounds so fun.

  32. Don't we all secretly love reality shows? At least I know I do :)

    Hope you're having a great day!

  33. You have such a fun and awesome blog! Happy I stopped by today because that ice cream looks delicious!! Love the chocolate milk!!

  34. you guys looks so cute, and cute polka dot shirt!

  35. Love those shirts, i have one from the Olympics! And sheepskin seat cover? eye sore? never!

  36. Your blog is lovely ! Lovely pic and I also like to watch reality shows sometimes, it's my secret confession, ahah =)
    I am so jealous of the blogger meet up, would like to come to one of those meetings too ! Kisses

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  37. I am obsessed with Real Housewives. It's probably a good thing I don't get Bravo right now. :)

  38. LOOOOOOOVE the canuks shirt.
    And want one.


  39. I don't think I knew that you were Canadian. Whenever I meet another Canadian my heart warms a little.

    I have only been to Vancouver once - but lived out west for 6 months with an ex boyfriend 100 years ago. It's so beautiful out there. I try to convince my husband to move there all the time.

    BTW those are great t-shirts.

  40. I LOVE that you're Canadian, and I love that you can sport a Canucks shirt! Hope you have fun on your retreat, girl! xo

  41. WHAT???? How did I miss a new RHs???? Love RHs! SUCH a guilty pleasure!!!

  42. Girl do not be ashamed of your RH addiction! I have it too and its bad!! I did not know they were doing a Canadian one! So exciting!

  43. Chocolate milk really is THE best!And loving that polka dot shirt lady!

  44. Hey... sometimes junk food (or "comfort food" as I like to call it) is all that cuts it. We just need to make sure we eat in moderation, right!? LOL! ;-D

  45. Oh man, I confess, I watched the entire series of Keeping Up with the Kardashians on Netflix. Real Housewives sounds kind of wholesome, comparatively!

  46. I love reality tv, but I can't get into The Housewives.

  47. Awww I loved these tids+bits (and a blogging sleepover sounds fantastic!)...I wish I had more time so I could do this...maybe next time :)

    Life is a romantic poem

  48. Truly enjoyed this! I am a chocolate milk addict...if only I ran 3 miles I would then have an excuse to have it daily(not that an excuse is needed) hmmm...maybe my new found love of Zumba Rush is a good excuse! as for embarrassing things my husband my have, and my 3 year old daughter inherited would be a tendency to be loud, very loud. And not care who hears it...luckily at least at church they behave haha. : )


  49. I LOVE your blog. SO much. So glad to have found you...can't wait to keep reading!!

  50. Real Housewives of Vancouver? Oh no...I think you just told me my newest reality tv guilty pleasure. I've never been but my fiance has and he always talks about how great it is and I hope that we can go visit together one day!

  51. Chocolate milk is the best.

    My fiance has a T-shirt that reads 'All Trash No Trailer'. I
    loooaathe that T-shirt! Bought in jest, but not a fan.


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