
Oh how time flies by, don't I say this every InstaLove post? haha Trevor had his first week of finals last week, and that sure took a toll on our sleeping schedule (since we don't sleep when he is taking finals) haha. Finals aren't over, so this means another week of no sleep next week, fun!

My Mom sent Trevor the most adorable "Junk Food Bucket" it should do a good job of giving him snacks during his finals. Sometimes my mom blows me away! :) 
Loving that after 4 years of growing my hair out I can finally sport some decent looking braids! haha With that said my bangs are in that awkward stage of growing out, so I have been wearing lots of head bands and pulling them back.

Oh and speaking of hair, Trevor's sister Courtney came over and gave me a haircut, I needed one badly esp with my awkward bangs haha and Trevor also got some manscaping done :) 

I also hit the Bijou Market this weekend, did any of you guys go? Did you get any good stuff? I did!

Find me.


  1. Jealous of your skin. Have I said that before? I'll probably forget and be reminded everytime I see a picture of you but at least youll know me as the creepy skin liking girl :)

  2. how fun! i hope you guys survive finals week!

  3. Just did my sunday instagram post too! you are so gorgeous, I am currently working on the whole growing my hair out with little success haha! Also love the polish and is that what I think it is? A cookies and cream easter bunny? Gold, pure gold!

  4. Ugh finals week for me too and it's horrible! Hope you two can survive :)

    Looovee the nail polish by the way!

  5. Oh that nail color is so lovely and springy. Because of you, I'm painting mine that color today :)
    P.S. I'm jealous of your hair hair is too thick for it to ever look that great!

  6. I absolutely adore your mint nails! Mint and I are pretty in love this spring.
    I'm also loving that junk-food bucket! I always assembled a pack of finals essentials for my hubs in college (energy drinks, gum, coupons offering to run out and pick up fast food) but they never looked so cute!

    Left brain, right brain, pug brain.

  7. I love the nails and your hairstyles. My bangs are growing out too, awkwardly about 7 inches shorter than the rest of my hair, but too long to be bangs. Awkward.


  8. well, maybe you should stop being cute for like .2 seconds! love those nails! I need some new nail polish, asap!

  9. So cute! I love your nail polish :)

  10. You should've told me about the market! I would've gone with you Saturday! I really should've stayed over night.... the roads were HORRIBLE from fillmore to Cedar. Yuck.

  11. Okay, I JUST realized Courtney B is your sister-in-law. Lucky! She's the coolest. You really do have an exceptional complexion. And face. And hair. And clothes. And . . . sorry, I'll stop.

  12. where did you buy your nail polish? i want that color!

  13. I love your nail polish! I currently have a very similar color on my toes. Good luck to Trevor on his finals! My boyfriend starts his in two weeks. Always a fun time :)

  14. i love the mint nail polish! congrats on Trevor being done with finals! thats always such a nice feeling :)

  15. love the junk food bucket!

  16. I love your hair! Especially the braid! So cute!! I cannot wait for my hair to be long enough to do some of the cute things you do with yours! And how cute is your mom to send the junk food bucket?! So sweet!

  17. cute! I love cadbury eggs :)

  18. i went to the bijou market & loved it! i got two pairs of cute earrings and a watercolor of the l.a. temple!

  19. That's the one thing I loved about having long hair; braids! So easy and casual and simple. But now that my hair is above my shoulders, the braids are out for the time being :(

  20. Love the idea of a junk food basket! Sign me up!!


  21. Junk Food Jar...Fantastic Idea!! Your mom is awesome.

  22. Finals week- can we just cringe together? We are about to hit those in one week and I am trying to squeeze in naps and extra hours of sleep anywhere possible! For those who don't have a hubs in law school, I'm sure they're like "Why don't both of them sleep during finals?? That's weird..." But it happens.... and it's miserable!

    Love the instagram shots and my favorite, the manscaping!! Too funny!

    It's an Easy Life

  23. Love the nail color...and the manscaping! hehehe

    Sarah & Kristina

  24. Sweet photos. I like the nail polish as it matches you very well. I am now a follower on Twitter. Oh! & I recently had my double (2 of them!) doses of the cookies and creme Easter bunny!

  25. Haha, was your husband OK with you putting a picture of him being manscaped?? :)

    I love the junk food bucket too. I might steal that idea.

  26. Love that color of polish pretty lady! Also, yay for having dudes that allow manscaping! I often wax the dudes brows too hehe


  27. Ugh, I've been trying to grow my hair out as well... and I totally know what you mean about braids! Lucky for you, yours is super cute :) I love the double headbands as well!

  28. Is that your ring or your lil sis's? Love it!!

  29. Good luck for surviving the next week of finals! (sugar, sugar and more sugar?).

    Your hubby is good undergoing manscaping and letting it be recorded :) I ensure my husband has two eyebrows instead of one but I really doubt i'd be lucky enough that he'd let me put a pic on the blog hahaha.

  30. Your nail polish is super cute!!!

  31. omg amazing blog!!
    Thank you so much for leaving me such a sweet comment and for following me!! :) You have a new follower as well! I think i will be spending quite some time here! lol|


  32. What fun photos. Good luck on the second week of finals both of you!

  33. I'm doing the awkward bang grow-out too.

  34. I heart the mint nail polish! I have it too and have been dying to try it!

  35. Great polish color! Tell me thats a pic of hubs getting a wax?! Would love to have you link on on Saturdays post.

  36. Oh, gorgeous! Your engagement ring and wedding band look just like mine! Obviously I think you have amazing taste. Lovely blog, lady x

  37. Love love love that nail color and your hair is GORGEOUS! XO Lori

    I'm on instagram as well-sliceospecial

  38. The law school stress will get better, I promise! My husband and I are both in our last semester now, and the first year is by far the worst. Although you should tell your husband that he is super lucky to have you, because when we are both taking finals we're dying to have someone to help take care of the rest of life. Seriously, it gets kind of scary how much takeout we order because we both are reading too much to cook. haha! Just hang in there :)


  39. Love all your pictures! The junk food bucket is so cool!

  40. Pleaseeee tell me Trevor let you wax his eyebrows! That is awesome. I convinced my boyfriend to go get a pedicure with me and he loved it! I told him he would be thanking me later, and I'm sure Trevor is thanking you now!

  41. thanks for stopping by the blog and following along. love yours :) i am a total instagram addict so i will be adding you right now.



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