Mar 15, 2012

tid + bits

Some tid bits of our life this week.


+ As mentioned before on the blog. Trevor grew up playing guitar. It is the "other woman" in our relationship. Trevor was worried he wouldn't get as much time to play it while he was in Law School, but he has seemed to find the time to at least play a little bit every day, even if it is during a movie we are watching or t.v. show... just the annoying aspect of being married to a guitar player, haha.

+I started a healthy eating plan last week, and have been loving it. My body responds so well to truly eating healthy (no sugar, low carbs). I have been starting each morning off with a Green Smoothie. I love it!

+Got my IPOD a cover. Trevor is on my IPOD more then me, so I hope he doesn't mind the iridescent glow it gets in the light... hasn't seemed to stop him from playing it haha.

+Love myself a good cup of Echinacea Tea. Ever since I can remember my mom has made us take echinacea tea and echinacea pills whenever we are feeling sick. There really is nothing better for your sore, dry throat then a cup of this tea. I have even got Trevor hooked on it now. Yum.

check out some other tid + bits 
in my life  that have been


  1. I started my healthy eating last week nd made my first green smoothie yesterday. LOVED it.

  2. haha, this reminded me of the other day when my cousin showed me this app she got where you can take a picture of something and make it look like you are blowing it up... she "blew up" her husband's guitar and texted the video to him lol.

    I've been trying to stick to the healthy eating thing.. I was doing good this week until yesterday :\ I blame it on it being spring break!

  3. Both of my brothers play the guitar and they tried to teach me when I was like 13, but I decided I wanted to get fake nails instead. I wish I stuck with it!

  4. That smoothie looks delicious!

  5. Your smoothie looks much better than the juice I tried yesterday. :) Much love for your new cover.

  6. I have got to find a good green smoothie recipe. The last time I tried making one, I got the wrong kind of greens [didn't know that was possible] and it turned out wrong! Haha love these tid-bits! :)

  7. Forrest's "other lady" in his life is the guitar also! Loooove a green smoothie!

  8. I love your new case!

    And that is awesome that Trevor finds time to play the guitar still!

  9. Good for Trevor for playing! When my husband started law school that was a huge concern for him. He loves his guitar so much! So whenever he plays I get really happy because I know it's such a large part of him.

  10. I need to get back to making green smoothies in the morning!

  11. that's funny you say that about the guitar because my boyfriend grew up playing, and I don't think he plays ENOUGH! haha

  12. Glad I'm not the only blogger still using an iPod touch instead of an iPhone :) Love the photos of the little things!

  13. Maybe that's how my husband feels about my guitar playing during our show watching. lol I love your tea cup and kettle pic! Makes me want to buy a bright colored kettle! I'm a new follower btw.

  14. totally love the ipod case haha it takes a real man to rock that in public :p

  15. Just found your blog! Super cute! Love it! :)

  16. Following you on Pinterest now!!

    What's in the green smoothie?

  17. That iPod cover is so FUN! Good luck with your healthy eating plan too...that green smoothie looks good, and perfect for St. Patty's Day! ;)

  18. what the caca why does that green shake look so delicious?

  19. I want to try a green smoothie and need a good recipe!! You should post yours...

  20. I start off with a green smoothie too. Great way to kick off a day!

  21. I'm loving your iPhone cover! I love sparkles!!

  22. Echinachea tea is really good!

  23. Aww, are you sick? I also enjoy a green smoothie each day. :) Love it!

  24. i feel your pain about the boy with a guitar thing! i try my hardest not to complain or be annoyed and just appreciate the talent, buttttt it's hard sometimes hah, especially when the banjo gets pulled out :)

  25. Your breakfast looks disgusting. I guess I should give it a try.

  26. I'm impressed with your healthy eating!

  27. Oh you should TOTALLY share your recipe for the green smoothie!

  28. we've been doing the green smoothie thing as well...and surprisingly it's delicious!

  29. Haaaaay girl, love the phone case! :)

  30. That iPod cover is too stinkin cute! Do you mind sharing where it's from?

  31. I know the feeling of being married to a guitar player- he even named his guitars and of course they are are all females. :)

    I thought I was already following you- glad I finally made it official!

  32. oh my goodness! i am in LOVE your iphone case!


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