
Some LOVEly things from InstaLOVE.

After a long work week and week at school for Trevor, we decided to get out of the apartment and have fun this weekend. That is AFTER Trevor went to the library and studied all Saturday morning, haha. We went miniature golfing, played laser tag, arcade games, you get the gist? Trevor wouldn't go on any of the small and fun little kid rides with me, but he waved and took pictures for me, just like all the other proud parents standing by :)

This week I started a new healthy meal plan. After the holidays I still hadn't dropped the extra pounds I always put on over Thanksgiving and Christmas. Thankfully, to my new healthy eating and the gym I have been getting back to my healthy shape and weight. Of course Trevor and I always have a "free" day. Our "free" day is where we can eat whatever we want on one day of the week, usually Saturday. So my taste buds had a blast with some Panda Express (which I couldn't even finish because of all my good eating, I couldn't handle the portions!) and a couple Oreos, you know, celebrating Mr. Oreo's birthday a little late. We topped of the night with a movie and it was a GREAT day :)  Hope you guys all had a great weekend! I needed it after this last week, that's for sure!

Find me.


  1. I am also eating better and I have a "free" day too (which I call cheat day) where I can eat whatever I want and it is Sunday. It's funny you mention Panda Express because I've been going there a lot on my cheat day and I have the same problem as you! The portions are huge and I just can't finish it all because I'm now used to eating smaller portions! :)

  2. I treat myself to Zupas and a Diet Coke on Saturdays after long runs. :)

  3. That sounds so fun, sometimes you just have to act like a kid again!

  4. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! What movie did you see??

  5. GREAT photos!! Can I has oreo? ;)

  6. I have been dying for some oreos and it takes just about all of my willpower not to grab bags and bags when I'm at the store!

  7. Sounds like such a fun weekend! I love your Instagrams!

  8. What a fun weekend!
    I wish I had an iPhone just so I could Instagram.

  9. Oh, oreos and chinese food!
    I miss America.

  10. FUN! Where was this?
    Panda is seriously SO good!

  11. love the photos girl :)

  12. I love me some Panda too! My husband and I usually share when we go out, so I'm not sure I could handle a whole thing on my own anymore. And I miss laser tag! There's nowhere to do it where we live, so maybe we'll go the next time we visit my parents....

  13. aw! so fun!! thats awesome you got on the kiddy rides:)
    and panda express...mmm mmm mm. love!


  14. love your blog! following on twitter :)

  15. at the end of the day, this post made me REALLY want oreas, peanut butter and milk! so glad you had such a fun weekend :)
    xo TJ

  16. I am laughing that you went on the little kids rides. I would have joined you. Too cute! :)

  17. I loveLOVElove that you went on the little kid rides--I'm just dying over how much longer your legs are than the other! :)

  18. Loving every second of this.
    Oh, Just Livin' the Dream

  19. fun update! I wouldn't imagine you'd need to lose any weight !!

    where are the pretty banners from, the mini golf?


  20. Sounds like a fun weekend! Glad you guys got to get out of the house a little bit - I know what it's like to have a constantly studying significant other, and it can get old after awhile!

    I'm also implementing a healthy eating regime as from today - feeling better already :)


  21. this collection of pictures just screams fun and adventure!

  22. I am on a healthy eating kick also. I've been using the My Fitness Pal app for iPhone. I highly recommend it! Good luck!

  23. I really feel I need some of Panda Express's orange chicken again that you were enjoying that and Oreos this weekend, just like my sister and I were! :)

  24. I love the idea of having a free day. I should try that and see if it helps make my diets last longer!

  25. Instagram is my favorite! Such a lovely way to capture the weekend. Sounds like y'all had a blast!


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