Jul 13, 2011

we are family!

You are supposed to sing the title post I put up. You know, "WE ARE FAMILY!" 

My beautiful little sister Sarah graduated from High School last month. It was great to be back home in San Diego :) It was also great to be surrounded by family. It was very exciting because EVERYONE was there, except my little brother who is serving his mission. Even my sister and her family who live in Canada came! Besides my little sister graduating, we had four other graduations this year. Yes people, that is a total of FIVE graduations in the family this year. As you know I graduated from the University of Utah with my undergrad. My older brother Brandon graduated from Pepperdine Law School. My other older brother Ben graduated with his bachelors from Fullerton, as well as his wife Sharley from Long Beach. Since we were all going to be in San Diego to attend Sarah's graduation, we decided to have a giant family graduation party where we all invited anyone and everyone. It was great to have family and friends all together to celebrate and really just to have an excuse to hang out. The house was packed and it was a great day, and a great trip home :)

 We had a Woody Pinata from Toy Story at the party. After it was all broken up we put the broken pieces of the pinata together on Evan haha :) It was hilarious.
I started to act a little crazy near the end of the night! haha
how to make gifs

No babies were harmed in the making of this post :) haha 


  1. family time is so fun. My husband and I haven't seen our since the beginning of may...not THAT long but long enough for us! We go home next week to see them, and we can't wait!

    Love your nails in the last picture! Are those stick ons or are you just THAT good?!

  2. you are so gorgeous!! Gotta love lil' family reunions of sorts!


  3. bahaha that last gif is amazing.

  4. I so luv all of your pics! Don't you just luv being with family.:)

  5. aw looks like such a good time! you look so cute too!
    xo dana

  6. Bahhaha the last pic had me laughing out loud! Girlfriend you are beautiful! And what a cute little fam your have!

  7. i love love LOVE your nails. teach me your ways woman! haha and that baby gif is making my day.

  8. It was fun and that pinata was a hoot! I love how you wrote "No babies were harmed in the making of this post." That is sooooo cool how you did that. How do you do that? I LOVE it!!

  9. You've got a beautiful family! Congrats to all of you!

  10. LOVE that last picture! I need to learn how to do that. You have a lovely family! That woody picture is so cute!

  11. j'adore family parties. They are the best thing next to creme brulee'
    Congrats on all your graduations!!

  12. Looks like you had a great time with the family! Love that black and white sweater from your sis's graduation!!

  13. You have such a beautiful and fun family. Congratulations to your sister. I love the baby throwing pictures. too cute!

  14. so cute:-) i don't see my extended family that often- maybe twice a year- but when we are together, we're loud and it's always a ton of fun! looks like you enjoyed yourself a lot :-)

  15. What an amazingly beautiful family! Gorgeous! x

  16. freaking precious! :)
    This is nice! Congrats to your sister! I also just graduated from high school last June. Man, did that feel great! <3

    Off to bigger and more exciting stuff!

    xoxo, Bree


  17. Congrats to your sister on her graduation! :)

    The Cat Hag

  18. Adorable post! Congrats to your sister! Love your stripe top.


  19. Looks like so much fun. It is ages since I graduated. The flying baby is very funny too.

  20. I love how close your family is! So sweet to see you all together!

  21. it looks like you had so much fun!! Family reunions are the best :)

    love your blog!!



  22. Love the last picture/s of Justin and Ben. Gosh Landon sure caught some air!

  23. oh! This just makes me miss my family and makes me miss family time so much! You're gorgeous, ps.

    Ask the Duplex

  24. Very awesome! Congrats to you and the rest of your family!

  25. aw what a beautiful and fun family you have! You look absolutely gorgeous Alycia! I love you in yellow :)

  26. You have such a BEAUTIFUL family! Congratulations to your sister. :D My older sister just graduated from high school too. It was really exciting.



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