Feb 5, 2010

Incredibly embarrassing day at work…

So it doesn't get much worse then what just happened at work today. So here I am sitting at my computer, everything is going just dandy and fine, when all of a sudden my computer starts acting a little crazy. I keep seeing this virus warning popping up and I can't figure out what it means or what to do. Before I have anytime to really do anything about it, two girls come in to get their w2 forms that I am in charge of handing out to everyone. I ignore the computer to help these to young ladies. Once I am done I turn around to figure out what is going on with my computer when all of a sudden to my horror there is a porn site up on my computer PLAIN AS DAY! Yes you heard me right, a PORN SITE!! I FREAK out, try to click out of it and all the other stupid pop ups that are coming up and it is so bogged down I can't do it fast enough I just hit the shut down button to get rid of it as soon as possible. OH MY GOSSSSSH! Did that really just happen? So then I am wondering "Holy crud, did those girls see it on my computer? Am I going to get into trouble? Can they see what I look at on my computer?!" I am just freaking out... when all of a sudden this guy walks in pulling a big thing of computers in with him, and says "I am going to need you to turn off you computer, I am taking it." Oh NO, it was like someone had paged him the second this happened and said come take the computer away from her! I told him that he must be psychic because my computer had just gone crazy with some virus and I had just shut it down. He then asked me what I had been looking at.
(THIS can NOT be happening right NOW)
But I knew I just had to tell the truth as dumb and lame as it sounded. So I told him I had been reading a blog when all of a sudden the computer got really really slow and was popping up virus warnings. I told him I turned to help someone and when I returned back to my computer there was a porn site up! I quickly explained that I do NOT look at porn at work. Then I realized that didn't sound exactly right either and quickly also stated that, or at ALL for that matter. He quickly replied with... "Yeah sure, that is what they all say."
Then he started laughing and told me not to worry that he came up here in the first place because a bunch of the Library's computers had obtained a virus, and that I wasn't the only one.
I did NOT appreciate his joke. I was horrified, and still am. I told him that I really don't look at porn and that he can check my history to prove it, but he kept assuring me that he understood and this has happened on multiple computers this week.
Knowing that it has been happening to multiple computers doesn't really make me feel that much better....I am still pretty embarrassed &traumatized. ugggggh. so awkwarrrrd.


  1. Oh gosh yeah that is awful....but gave me a good chuckle :) I like the "I don't look at this stuff at work...or at all." That's funny. The little pause where you gather your thoughts is all it takes to give everyone a good laugh. Sorry it happened to you though :)

  2. That is really funny. I really wish I could have seen your face. I'll bet the computer guy is having fun telling his friends about you.

  3. To read it is just as crazy as when you told me :)


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