Oct 16, 2009

Fun Times!

So a couple weeks ago during general conference Brandon and his family and Ben made an appearance in Utah! Me and Alex were both very excited for this :) Me Ben and Alex go to out for lunch on that Friday before Ben's mission reunion he was up for, and my plans were to after go down to Provo where Brandon and Serene were to see my new little niece I haven't seen yet, Hayley! I was of course excited to see Sydney as well. Well to my Surprise the hour tops drive down to Provo took me a little over 3 HOURS! Apparently there was a BYU vs Utah State football game and the freeway was PACKED. I have never driven in traffic as horrible as that. I then got to go out to dinner at the Red Brick Oven (mmm love their root beer) with Brandon Serene, Sydney and Hayley. It was a lot of fun :) SOO much fun. I then held Hayley all night long until she fell asleep into my arms. It was perfection. Another exciting thing to note was my sweet moment I shared with Sydney... I was saying goodnight to her and after I sang her a church hymn I said "I love you Sydney, Goodnight!" Sydney (who has never properly said my name, Alycia is hard for kids to say) said, "Alesshca I love you." My heart melted. It sounded just like me name, and better then her pronouncing it right, she knew who I was. I love being an Aunt and I love my nieces and nephews so much It scares me, because if this is how I feel about my siblings children I can't even imagine what I would feel for my own. After a great night, I drove home and it took me 2 1/2 hours! UGH! I wanted to scream... Anyways the next day I got to go down to Sanchez's where Serene and the girls were and hang with everyone we ended the night watching a movie and eating peach cobbler it was a lot of fun, and I of course held Hayley the whole time :) just can't get enough! Then the next morning me and Trevor came down to watch conference with everyone, Trevor go to hold Hayley for the first time and you should have seen her. She lit up when she held, great big smiles the whole time! I had yet to see her smile! It was adorable. I think Trevor liked that she smiled when he held her. Children just love Trevor I guess because the whole day the Sanchez' girls and Sydney were all over him riding him like he was a horsey etc. and he just plays and plays with them. He is really sweet with them. Molly made some amazing breakfast again (as always) called Juevos Rancheros with Refried Beans (you can read all about it on my cooking blog) It was delish! Overall it was a great weekend and was so happy to get to see some family I don't get to see too often, and being able to see me new niece was just the BEST PART :)

She is a Baby SLUG

She just kept smiling away at Trevor!

She wouldn't take her eyes of him!

Sydney wanted to feed Trevor haha.


  1. I LOVE these pictures & this post! I'm so glad you got to see them. I love that Sydney loves her Uncle Trevor & Hayley also :)I can't get over how she smiled so much at him! I haven't seen her smile that much.


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