Dec 30, 2015


Giant eyebrows, first time shoveling snow, and the Utes game! Check out our latest family vlog!


  1. That brow bit is hysterical, I bet you they did think it was real!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  2. Way to suck us in with a cute adorable baby followed by those eyebrows which cracked me up just saying

  3. Agh I just found your blog via your YT vid review about the polar fit ft4 watch and you are adorable!

  4. oh my gosh I love that you are doing vlogs like this. Her smiles at the beginning slay me! What a beautiful little gal. Also, your brows had me cracking up. SO funny.

  5. Ok, I'm dying over those eyebrows and that you went into the post office like that!! And of course I love to see Ella :) For the record, I love shoveling snow :)

  6. Ok, I'm dying over those eyebrows and that you went into the post office like that!! And of course I love to see Ella :) For the record, I love shoveling snow :)


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