Oct 27, 2014

Provo Fashion Week


I first heard of Provo Fashion Week a few years ago while still living in Provo. I remember thinking, "Um, what... a Fashion Week in PROVO? Uh, Okay." I had other commitments and wasn't able to make it to check what it was all about, but the pictures that flooded my instagram feed later made me realize I had missed out. When Bree invited me to see a special showing of her collection and the show, I couldn't pass it up. Bree has such a talent, and her aesthetic is so on point I had to be there to support her :) Bree also happens to be one of the geniuses behind Provo Fashion Week and I have to take my hat off to her because it was an amazing event from start to finish. It was a night to celebrate the talent of those in our community, and there is a lot of it. What I really loved was the collaboration of everything from those helping with the hair, makeup, photography, and of course the fashion. I even knew a handful of the models, makeup artists, and hairstylists through blogging and my Aveda days, so it was fun to see them do their thing on the runway! One of the designers had ballerinas dance down the runway and it left everyone speechless, it was such a treat to see that kind of art mixed into the show. Before the show there were pop up shops from local companies, and after there was a fun mingle after party with drinks and food. There were 20 designers, nearly 200 models, and tons of amazing people it was a great night!

I wanted to steal all of Bree's designs, I love her use of sequins in everything. Her pieces are classic, and girly, with a hint of whimsy. Another favorite of mine was Beckett & Robb, they blew me away! The impeccable tailoring and style of their menswear is out of this world and I am dying to get them to custom make something for Trevor. They will be launching an online store this fall, so those of you not in Utah can get a taste of their talents. Again, it was such a great show, and I am happy I got to be apart of it. Thanks for the invite Bree!

 Bree's amazing line!

The Provo Library made a gorgeous venue!


  1. Wow I love the setup of the runway. It must have been amazing to watch!

    XoXo One Stiletto At a Time

  2. I love how the model wore ballet shoes. The photos are gorgeous. How great for your friend! (:


  3. Love your shoes! Thanks for the link. Is the girl next to you a blogger? I need her shoes, too, haha!! ;)

  4. This looks so fun!

    I use to follow your blog along time ago and then I checked out of the blogging world for a while. So stoked to be back in it and to be part of your party!!

  5. This looks and sounds like an incredible time!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes


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