Jun 16, 2014

pardon my absence.

Whoa. Like, Whoa. Life has been absolutely nuts! Since getting back from Thailand we have been non stop. Looking for a place to live, looking for a new job, and packing. Trevor was starting a new job and diving into studying for the bar. Now it has been moving, starting a new job, and unpacking for me. Right now I am currently swimming in boxes with hardly anytime to actually unpack. Our new place turns out to have an incredibly difficult layout to fit our furniture. Nothing, and I mean nothing seems to be working. We have tried everything. This place is bigger than our last, but all the rooms are actually smaller. Make sense? Basically we have a second bathroom in this place, but with that lost space in the other rooms. I love having that second bathroom, but I don't love the fact that our couches and t.v. don't really seem to fit in our front room. I am totally at a loss. I just keep reminding myself that we signed a six month lease, so this isn't forever. Other than the layout, I actually really love where we are staying. The place is in great condition, the grounds of the apartment are beautiful, and it comes with a lot of great amenities. Pool for the hot summers in Utah? YES PLEASE! Did I mention it is super close to both of our jobs? I love having an almost no commute to work. Speaking of work, I started a new job! I have been settling in and absorbing as much information as possible. I love everyone I work with and love what I am doing. You really can't ask for more than that can you? Obviously I haven't been able to spend as much time updating this blog as I would like. Sometimes life just happens. I have often had ups and downs in posting on this blog throughout the years during big times of transition. Finals week, graduating college, moving, new jobs, you get the idea? I am in a transition phase right now, so pardon my absence. I plan on coming back full force soon with regular updates and more of a schedule to everything. I have really been loving making youtube videos, so expect more of that as well. Be back soon and I hope you are all having a great start to your summer!


  1. sounds like things are going well! our new place here in CA has a super weird layout too and we are always changing things but eventually we found something that works. I want to hear about the new job!I'm assuming you had to leave Aveda with the move.

  2. Congrats on a new place to live and a new job -Hanna Lei

  3. Good luck with it all, lots of big and exciting changes! I hope you manage to make everything fit, I hate unpacking! Luckily when I had to do it, my son was only 3 months old and my Mum took sympathy on me and came to help me until all of the unpacking was done! I can send her over if you like? ;)


  4. I hope everything works out for you in the new place! I just don't even want to think about moving again, it's such a process and I'm a big procrastinator. I can't wait to hear about your new job!!

  5. seems like a lot of changes are going on in your life. hope things will work out in your new place!

  6. Happy settling in with all of the changes happening! One transition is tough enough, but you guys have a ton! Best wishes to Trevor as he studies for the bar!! At times it will feel impossible, and it's completely exhausting, but before you know it it will be behind you! I was just thinking that it's been 3 years since I went through that which feels like a lifetime.

  7. A second bathroom, no commute and a pool so soak in all summer! These 6 months will fly!!


  8. It also didn't help that they didn't get your internet connected right away. I wish I was there to help you get settled faster!

  9. Moving is such a big thing and it sucks that you moved to a bigger house with smaller rooms

  10. Such a nice post dear!xx
    Would you mind checking my blog out,and following if you like it?
    That would mean so much to me!
    Keep in touch ,love xoxo

  11. Happy to hear all is well with you & Trevor! I wish you good look with unpacking, redecorating and your new job! and Trevor with his studying!! xo

  12. I've found the less commute I have to work the happier I am during the day!


  13. We all miss you, but we understand what it's like to be busy. Sometimes you just need time to actually live your life, and not be so focused on the online world. We'll forgive you :)


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