May 15, 2014

Utah Style Icon 2014

Last year I was nominated for the Utah Style Icon 2013. However I chose not to participate because I was going to be out of town for the awards, as well as thinking my blog wasn't a great fit. This year I was nominated again for the Utah Style Icon 2014. Since I have made more of a focus on style and beauty on my blog, I figured, why not? Beauty Glam Now hosts a great party for the awards, and that alone is good enough for me to participate - I love myself a good party!

I have always had a love for clothes, and getting dressed up. It has been a fun journey exploring and sharing my own personal style on my blog and watching my tastes evolve. I have found myself in a place where I am so much more confident. I know that I am by no means as fashionable, trendy, or as popular as other fashion bloggers out there, but figured that shouldn't stop me from participating in the fun! I know so many of the women selected and they are all deserving of this. I am sure you read their blogs too. So if you have the time and want to vote, you can vote for your favorite blogger HERE. Voting starts now and will run until June 13th.

To vote, just enter the raffle copter "giveaway" and click on the +1 next to choose your style icon, and use the drop down to choose who you want! :)



  1. I can't get the link to work :(

  2. Voted and so excited to vote for you :)

  3. I can't get it to work from the computer either :(

  4. I actually follow another nominee on instagram and went to the site, saw you, sorry other girl, Voted for Crowley Party :) Good luck!

  5. I voted for you :) At least I hope it worked :)

  6. Congratulations, hope you win!! :)

  7. Just so you know the link on your picture that is meant to have your URL doesn't work and instead links to "No Reason Needed." Thought you might want to know so you could get the contest administrator to fix it!

  8. Voted, how exciting! Good luck!

  9. What Julia D said AND just voted for you! So much fun!


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