For this Things I am loving edition I decided to focus on Fitness wear and gear. While I haven't always been perfect, since the start of the year I have really developed a more balanced lifestyle. Eating better and working out more consistently has been my goal. I have learned that everything in life comes down to consistency. I have lost 10 pounds since February, and I feel amazing. Here are some different fitness wear and gear that I have been loving.

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Last year I saw that Forever 21 had been adding to their active wear collection. While shopping I stumbled across some capri yoga workout pants and was stunned at the quality and price. To this day those work out pants are my favorite and people always ask me about them. They are shocked when they hear Forever 21. Fit wear can get really pricey fast, and Forever 21 has developed an amazing collection of affordable and good quality active wear.


  1. Love the bright sneaks!!! Its always so motivating getting new work out gear...makes me want to get to the gym and show it off =)

  2. These bright training shoes are in my wishlist :)

  3. Wow - never would have thought of forever 21! Love that jacket...

  4. Oh how I just love workout clothes! They make working out so much more fun!
    Love Me, Dani Marie

  5. Having cute stuff makes working out a lot easier for some reason! Congrats on the 10 lbs. You rock! I have just recently started blogging and was wondering how you make collages like that?

  6. I don't know what I did before my Nike free's! and I love Forever 21's active wear line! Last weekend, I was debating over buying an $80 pair of Nike running pants.. and then I found a similar pair at F21 for $20!

  7. I love vibrant colored workout wear! These are great picks!


  8. I hate when active wear is so over priced! I'm going to have to check out f21 and see if I can find anything I like!


  9. I never would have guessed that F21 had workout clothes! Will have to check it out. That tank is too cute!

  10. I just got back from running a couple miles -- and this makes me want to go run some more! I LOVEEE those neon shoes!

  11. Your website consists of a lot additional info that provides much more understanding and much more suggestions concerning the subjects you've provided inside your website.

    Cross-Training Women's Tank

  12. This is great! can easily out at these place or order in! thanks so much! Fitness wear


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