Jan 13, 2014

Xtend Barre Challenge

As I mentioned previously I believe that goal setting is huge for helping someone have will power in losing weight and developing healthy habits. So I have decided to undertake a pretty fun goal this month to whip me into shape.

At the end of the year I attended a bloggers night at the Xtend Barre in Provo. Holy Cow that work out was  KILLER. My butt was doing spasms during the work outs, HA! What is Xtend Barre you are asking yourself? The Xtend Barre Workout is the premier ballet barre workout… Dance and Pilates Amplified. I have always loved Pilates, and actually used to dance when I was younger, so I love the combination and the work out.

Laughed so hard when I saw this picture of me!

After the class the lovely ladies at Xtend Barre challenged me to attend three classes a week for a month and see what a difference it made. How could I pass up that kind of challenge? It will only benefit me! I have attend classes all last week and let me tell you, I can ALREADY see a difference in my strength and flexibility. I can't wait to see the difference at the end of the month.

Since I like to make things even more difficult for myself, I will also be attending my body pump class twice a week. Together along with being more committed to eating healthier, I think I can make some big strides at the start of 2014.

To keep things fun, I figured I would document my experience here, and share with you the results! So here we go, to a healthier me! I have already lost four pounds!WOOT WOOT!


  1. That looks like so much fun, albeit hard work! Well done on losing 4 pounds already, that's amazing!

    www.kirstyandseth. blogspot. com

  2. Yay I'm starting a barre class in a few weeks too!


  3. I want to try barre - but feel like i need to get back in shape first! hah! Looks so hard. I'm 7 weeks postpardum, and trying to get back into the workout swing.

    Megan from Chasing Davies

  4. I LOVE ballet AND pilates, this sounds amazing! I do a barre workout that's online and it is KILLER. This class looks like so much fun! Get it girl :)


  5. Go you! I'd like to try the pure barre here in Ohio, but the classes are out of this world expensive. So with a gift card from my boss I purchased some free weights and a Jillian Michaels DVD. Gotta start somewhere, but I can't wait to see your progress.

  6. I've been wanting to try a barre working, and a place just opened up by me, but it seems so intimidating! I've heard its really hard, maybe that will be my goal for February :)

  7. I have heard SO many good things about barre workouts! Good luck!

  8. sounds like a great plan lady! keep up the good work!

  9. This sounds hard but I would love to try it!

    xx Kelly
    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. Oh my gosh that picture of you is PERFECTION!

  11. I am DYING to try this!! But of course Cedar doesn't offer this. At all. UGH!
    I want to try it someday with you up there!

  12. Wow! Why don't they have that where I live...? :(( Jellyjelly!

    I thought I'd invite you -and all other women- to join me on my blog for "The Body Love Series"! http://findingjoyandbeauty.blogspot.fi/2014/01/the-body-love-series-why-we-need-to.html

    Keep up the awesome work, Alycia! :)

  13. You are back your ballet days :) Looks fun and I love your "tongue" picture!!!

  14. I keep meaning to look up info for this place! I hear it RULES.
    You all look HOT! :)

    xoxo birdie


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