Dec 6, 2013

things that make me happy...

It's December, finally. I have been so incredibly busy that so many things in my life have fallen to the wayside. I love the blogging world and sometimes I wish I had more time to be spend here, but reality is, I have a lot on my plate and feel that I sometimes try to manage too much. I wish I could have one thing in my life, consistency. It is something I am working on, we all have something right? I need to learn how to manage everything better, or scale back and simplify. Until then, I am happy to have some more time again and even happier that Christmas break is just around the corner.

Speaking of Christmas Break, I didn't even post about Thanksgiving! With Trevor in the thick of studying for finals, and me being swamped at work, we stayed around here this year. We had Thanksgiving dinner with Trevor's Grandparents and his Aunt and Uncle and their two girls. It was such a great afternoon and the food was even better! The pies... oh the pies. I may have ate until I was sick.

Having that one afternoon of relaxing, reminded me just how much Trevor and I need some more of that. I need to make sure I continue to leave room in my life for the things that make me happy. What is the point of working so hard if we aren't enjoying our day to day life? Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love my life. I am just tired these days. I am worn out. I am tired of being tired. Here is to some ME time for the rest of this month. Happy to have found some time to even blog today! Ready to be back :)


  1. Seriously, I can relate, I'd like to stop changing jobs and moving around! Hoping that I can land something permanent in the next year or so because I'm tired of things constantly changing and feeling chaotic!

    jess | Quaintrelle

  2. I'm at the same point as you right now. -Hanna Lei

  3. I hear ya, girl. Hope the holidays are a time of rest, relaxation and refocusing for you!

  4. tell me about it. sometimes i feel like there's just no enough time. my friend told me that i always try to do too many things at a time. i should learn to manage things better. i hope you have some time for yourself despite the busy times. have a nice weekend

  5. I hope you find lots of you time this month! And that pie looks amazing!

  6. that gets hard to do during christmastime!

  7. December makes me happy too ... is that lemon meringue pie up there? AMAZING.

  8. I love December! <3 Loved the post!


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