Dec 16, 2013 $200 Amazon e-gift card giveaway

My own gift guide of things I have been loving!

Christmas is next week - NEXT WEEK! And I can't wait to share this great giveaway from! Holiday Sweepstakes gives you the chance to win tailored gift baskets for the loved ones in your life; and in celebration of that they will be giving away a $200 Amazon e-gift card. Make sure you enter both the blogging giveaway, as well as the Holiday sweepstakes!

 Enter the Giveaway HERE!

Every year there is always that person you can't think of anything to get for, has put together great gift guides for everyone in your life! Each link will show you the list of the gift baskets that is giving away (separate from the $200 Amazon e-gift card giveaway) for each category. I love the GIFT IDEAS FOR DAD they put together!


  1. Thank you for sharing the giveaway! The gift guides are especially helpful right now because I still haven't gotten presents for everyone in my family. Is that bad? Haha I swear I do this every year. Oops. Thank you!

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