Oct 15, 2013

salt lake city

My sister Kira decided she needed a mommy break and came down from Canada to hang out with me and my other siblings that live here. With four of my parent's six children all in one city they couldn't resist coming up to be with all of us.

We made such a fun weekend out of it. My little brother Alex, sister Kira, and my parents and I explored all over Salt Lake City. We enjoyed the afternoon walking around beautiful temple square, going to the brand new gorgeous City Creek Mall, and even some antiquing!

We had lunch at the gorgeous Joseph Smith Building, and took a tour of where my mom does a lot of her genealogy work when she comes to visit. It was such a great day! We ended the night at a great place in Salt Lake called The DoDo. I highly recommend their pies and soups, which are made fresh daily and are uh-mazing!

We brought a piece of pie over to our Aunt Nola and visited with her for a bit. We all got home late, and were thoroughly exhausted. But such a great day!

It was fun to walk around and hear my parents tell us things about certain antiques. For example, my dad's family had a phone like this on his parent's farm when he was a little boy. How cool?!

My Dad served his mission in Belgium, and was showing us how authentic these Dutch wooden shoes are.

My Dad had one of these cameras growing up!

Such a beautiful, crisp, fall day!


  1. What a fun day! I love the picture of the water droplets. It's on my (never-ending) to-do list to get better at photography. So jealous!

    I'm also jealous of how chilly it must have been for you to need that puffy coat. It's still nearly 80 here. I'm in shorts and a short-sleeved tee. Misery.

    Casey @ The Beginning of Everything

  2. Beautiful photos! When I was little I HATED antiquing with my parents. I swear it was like a 10 hour day or something (I might be exaggerating slightly). Of course now that I'm older and I look for things to decorate with, I enjoy it a lot more. I'm so glad your family made the trip and got to spend time together <3

  3. When my friend and I were in Salt Lake City last year we couldn't help but visit Temple Square and City Creek Mall. Such a gorgeous area! Looks like you had a lovely time with your family. So fun, when you live so far apart, to be able to connect like that from time to time :)

  4. such beautiful photos! looks like lots of fun with the family! and all the antiques look gorgeous!

  5. i love salt lake city, it's so beautiful in the fall! great photos :)

  6. I live in Boise and just recently realized what a quick getaway Salt Lake City is! I went there about a month ago with a friend and fell in love. I can't wait till I can escape to SLC again.

  7. Looks like so much fun! This post is making me miss my family... this is the kinda stuff we do.
    Keeping it thrifty

  8. cheez whiz ! I had forgotten that existed. for mothers day when I was too young to cook, I would spread some on a hot dog bun and take it to my mom as breakfast in bed. I was always so proud. I heated the bun in the microwave and everything. such a chef ;)

    lovely pictures. and how sad that the dutch don't wear the clogs anymore..


  9. I absolutely love these photos, the fountain one is the best!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  10. I LOVE the Dodo!!! I was actually up there this past weekend tooooo and made it a POINT to get lunch there. SO GOOD! Have you had their Banana Cream Pie Cheesecake?! OH MY. SO GOOD!

  11. These are lovely photos! That's great your sister was able to come down and visit! Everyone looks so happy!


  12. I absolutely love these pictures! You really have an eye for cool shots. This makes me want to go antiquing...and that's something I never thought I'd say. I'm glad you had a great day with your family! :)

  13. Such cool photos of this stuff! Love it!


  14. What fun to have family visiting! :-) Looks like you all had a wonderful time!

  15. Reading your blog makes me want to come back to Utah! I am missing fall so much right now. Looks like you had a great time with your family

    1. I feel yah girl! We will be moving next year and I can tell you I am already missing these mountains!

  16. First of all, I am FLATTERED that you are following my blog!! Thank you so much!! Second, I ADORE your photographs!! And third, that vintage camera? I NEED. I collect vintage cameras and I adore the ones with bellows! I have two already, but I can always use more, right? ;) Looking forward to following your blog and getting to know you better!

    Lindsey :)
    IG: lindseycrock

  17. looks so fun! thanks for following & commenting on my blog! i've loved looking through yours :)

  18. Were you at Capital City? That's one of my favorite antique stores in SLC! Family days are the best, looks like fun :)

  19. Looks so nice, and the pictures are beautiful! :)

    Have a great day!


  20. Oh my goodness I certainly hope you bought that Cheez Whiz idea book! LOL. Looks like you guys had a great time together, I'm so glad!

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  21. Gorgeous pictures! I especially love the ones of the Temple :)

  22. I LOVE your pictures of the fountain with the temple in the background. So artistic. Also, love the new look of your blog!!

  23. It was a great day and surprisingly Dad and I survived with only an hour of sleep! We loved every minute of our time. Love the pictures!


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