Oct 12, 2013

overcome with joy!

Life can be a crazy adventure! We can plan, plan, plan all we want, but usually, life has a whole different idea for us. My older sister Kira has already experienced quite the ride in such a short time of life. After facing infertility for years, she has gone on to adopt three beautiful boys. Two of which are special needs. Infertility and special needs children were probably not things she thought about being apart of her life when she got married over ten years ago. Before their third adoption, Kira actually got pregnant, which was so exciting for everyone! However, God had different plans and she lost the baby. While it was devastating, we were all cheered up when they adopted their third son, Cameron. This summer I loved being able to be apart of their family temple sealing with my nephew Cameron. Gosh I love that kid so much!

Last week I was talking to my sister about getting facials and what not for when she came to visit. She then said, "Remember the night after Alex's wedding when I wasn't feeling well? How I thought I was getting my period so I didn't play games with everyone?" "Yes, I responded, wondering where she was taking our conversation." "Well, I never got my period."

It took me a second to register what she had just said. Trying to piece together what I thought she just implied, but my brain didn't think the connection could be correct because the odds of my sister getting pregnant naturally were almost non existent. Finally when everything linked up again I responded, "YOU'RE PREGNANT?!"

I instantly started crying. I was just overcome with joy for my sister and her husband. After 10.5 years of marriage, 3 adoptions, 1 miscarriage, and a 3% chance of getting pregnant... MY SISTER IS PREGNANT!

I am excited for her to have this experience, and excited to be an Aunt to another little niece or nephew. I love my siblings children so much, I just don't know if I could ever handle having my own. I think my heart would explode.


  1. That's so great, congratulations!! What a lovely story x

  2. What a wonderful post! That's so very exciting! Your sister sounds like an incredible person with the adoptions.

  3. This is such a sweet and lovely story! What a happy ending! I am so excited for your sister, and your family :) happy weekend friend!


  4. That is wonderful - congratulations to her! So exciting! xxx

  5. Congratulations to your sister!!

  6. Congrats to your sis! She sounds like an amazing lady!

  7. That is such wonderful and happy news! Congratulations!

  8. Yaaaaaaaay!! Heartfelt congrats! Wishing your sister oodles of health and safety, primarily. Woo hooooo!

  9. It never ceases to amaze me how Heavenly Father places the right kids in the right homes through adoption- and then after this happens how many conceive! We have one on my husbands side with 5 adoptions and then a magic natural birth. We love all 6!
    Congrats to your sister :)

  10. Oh I so hope everything goes well for your sister, it is such great news. Also I want to add that I think people who adopt are bloody amazing.

  11. Congrats to your sister! I am so excited for your family!

    Xo Lourdes

  12. Wow, that is unbelievable what they've been through. I'm praying that all goes well for her. Congratulations. And your heart will not explode silly. You will be a great mom. You're heart will just grow....fast...and big. Love,

    Shauna xo

  13. ahhhh what amazing news! Congrats to you, your sister, and your whole family. I'm blown away daily by how much my sisters love my own children.

  14. There's nothing like being an aunt! Congratulations to you and your sister :)


  15. OMG yay! So exciting for your sister...that is amazing news!

  16. I'm soooo thrilled for your sister!!!

  17. oh, this is so exciting, i love hearing about little miracles like these!

  18. congrats to your sister! i am so happy for her and your family. this is so exciting!

  19. what an amazing miracle for your family! so happy for your sister & her family!

  20. That's amazing!! Congrats to your sister and to your whole family! A baby is such a wonderful blessing!


  21. Wow!!! This is soooo sooo exciting!!!!! Congratulations to your sister!!!!!

  22. This is amazing, congratulations to your sister and please pass along my good wishes and prayers for a safe pregnancy!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  23. SUCH wonderful news. Congratulations to Kira and her husband! I'll definitely be praying for a safe and healthy pregnancy.


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