Oct 10, 2013

No spending for the rest of the year

Pants: C/O Style Lately
Purse: Forever 21
Boots: Target

Awhile back I attempted the very popular 30x30 that Kendi started. It was a really great way for me to learn more about my personal style and how to utilize the clothes I already had sitting in my closet. One aspect of this 30x30 challenge that people don't always realize is that Kendi did it because she had been spending too much money buying new clothes and wanted to stop spending so much. Part of the challenge is to not buy anything new while doing it. If you ask my husband I have a bit of a spending problem (who me?) and I am usually spending on clothes - can you blame me? :)

I am aware enough to acknowledge this and see that I have way too many clothes as it is that I don't even wear. Part of my 25 before 25 was to be better at saving my money, which to be honest I haven't been doing very well. I have decided I work good when it comes to having a goal, and so I thought it was about time I make one for this. However I am hesitant because I know this will suck.

First I want to clean out my closet getting rid of clothes that I don't use anymore or haven't worn for over a year. That is the rule my mother always taught me, ask yourself if you have worn it in the past year, if the answer is no, get rid of it. It is really hard for me to get rid of things. But I want to simplify my life and I know this is something I need to do. I think I will try and sell some of the nice stuff and donate the rest.

Then, the hard part. I want to not spend any money on clothes or beauty products for the rest of the year. I was thinking of maybe giving myself a cheat purchase? Maybe I can buy ONE thing once a month? Or should I just go cold turkey? I have been pretty good the last few weeks already, so I would love to see how long I could keep it up!

And as a way for me to appreciate what I already do have, I really want to bring some more personal style posts back into my blog. So here we go with challenge number 13 and 14 from the list...

13. Organize (finally) and get rid of most of my closet.
14. Really make an effort to start saving money. (Even though it might not be a lot right now.)

Let's see if I can do this?! Yes, yes I can! Maybe...


  1. You can do it! And you've inspired me too! I'm going to do my best to rework what I have in my closet for the rest of the year. Excited to see how much money I'm going to save! Good luck lady!

  2. you can definitely do it! my spending had gotten a little out of hand the first year we were married (last year), but then we bought a house, and my priorities completely shifted. i told myself that starting in june(!!) i couldn't buy any new clothes until the end of the year. so far i've bought one dress and three target t-shirts, but otherwise have been successful. i'm totally ready for this break to be over though!

  3. I've been really thinking about what I purchase and focusing on saving money extra hard since I came home from vacation in mid-August--and I'm proud to say that the only clothes I've bought have been a denim vest and a $5 pair of sparkly ballet flats. The sparkly ballets flats because I loved them and for $5, I could get my wear out of them, and the vest because I thought carefully about it for several weeks before deciding that yes, it would play a good role in my closet. I think it's great to have period of stepping away from spending and carefully thinking about where your money goes.

  4. You are so cute! Love the outfit. It is so hard for me to get rid of stuff too. I think of the ONE circumstance it would be perfect for and don't want to part with it. I really need to get better about that because now I have a closet full of one circumstance outfits and nothing for everyday.

  5. You don't need more clothes-so no don't allow a cheat. If you run out of a beauty product, then sure allow a cheat. With our house remodel and no second paycheck due to maternity leave, I have been finding new ways to be a little thrifty. I even use Peter's shampoo to save $8, which isn't all that bad. Though when I bought cheap conditioner I learned my lesson...it is wise to spend $8 on a nice big bottle of good conditioner.

  6. I think I'm going to implement a shopping budget for 2014......to keep myself in check!


  7. i'm excited to hear your thoughts! I really don't think I have the willpower...

  8. You can do it! Rooting for you! :)

  9. Oh man good for you! I did this for one month during the summer and it was not super easy! I'm impressed you are going to go until the end of the year! Good luck, this is a very worthy goal haha!

  10. I get so attached to my clothes! Even if I haven't worn it in a year, I ALWAYS justify saving it. Maybe I should try this... :)


  11. It's really, really hard for me to throw things away, too. I totally believe in you about not spending! But, I think you should have a cheat purchase. It'll be a huge incentive to keep going. You can do it, girl!

  12. That's so cool that you're trying to do that! I love spending but since getting married four years ago and having a baby a year ago I've definitely had to try and rein it in. Although I'm all for a cheat purchase now and then to keep me going, it has to be done!


  13. I'm putting myself on a spending stop too. Good luck!

  14. Having a clothing swap with your used clothing is always fun, too! (AND it doesn't cost anything!)

  15. I had a no spend month in September. I really think you should go cold turkey for at least one month because it really does get easier after that. Shopping tends to feed more shopping. Once I distanced myself from it altogether and saw the chunk of money I was able to save it's made it easier for me to move forward this month. I have 2 purchases planned for the rest of the year. I may or may not stick with that 100% but the shopping bug is definitely out of my system. Good luck!!!

  16. I think you should go cold turkey! You can do it! The clothing swap in the comment above is an awesome idea :) Also, once you get rid of things, from now on when you wear something, turn the hangers around, that way when the end of next year comes you will be able to see what you have worn. I don't actually do this yet, but I saw it somewhere & thought it was a great idea.

  17. I just cleaned out my closet with everything dated pre-college/early college (so 5+ years old) so I was in your shoes last week! I about had a heart attack when Goodwill wheeled away my overflowing box of clothes and shoes, but man is it easy to pick through my closet now!! I vowed to not buy NEW clothing items the rest of the year as I have always been bad about picking online shopping over thrifting. I also plan to start learning how to use the sewing machine and crochet/knit more... which is also a good excuse to put off grad school homework :) Even though I don't have a strict "no buying" goal, I believe you can do it too! It really does feel great to have less *stuff* just taking up space.

  18. I can totally relate! I clean out my closet every season, and somehow throw away two garbage bags full of crap every time (obviously I have a shopping habit...). In fact, my husband challenged me to go 35 days without spending just yesterday - so far so good ;) I know you can do it!

  19. You can do it girl! But I think they beauty is going to be a little harder. -Hanna Marie

  20. Girrrrrrrlllll.... I have TRIED.... But not shopping is like not eating..,, it's depressing.... Be my inspiration!!!!

  21. Good for you! I have a bit of a shopping problem, too, and I'm trying to stop myself from spending so much on clothes. I might do this challenge with you! :)

  22. I LOVE that shirt! Debbie Harry was such a sex icon back in the day. And that purse is to die for!!

    Good luck with not spending money! You are gonna need it LOL! I give you 3 months....

  23. I'm totally in the same boat--especially because of the holidays fast approaching and all the items I'm buying for my wedding. I've vowed to not spend any more money on myself unless I really, really need to--and/or if I have a coupon or it's already on sale. Perhaps that will help lessen the struggle if you try that little way to cheat :)

    P.S. I did the hanger trick earlier this year and it worked WONDERS. Turn all of your hangers in your closet the opposite direction. Once you wear something hang it up in the opposite direction. You'll soon realize what you gravitate towards and what you don't...and I ended up getting rid of a ton of stuff that way (of course to make room for more quality, wonderful purchases ;) )

  24. I say that giving yourself a small monthly allowance is okay. Hey, you can't last on one year of old make-up right? ;)
    xo TJ

  25. Good luck!! We just did the big closet clean out but of course we restocked. :-) Trying to reign it in a bit now.

    Jayme & Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

  26. good luck! I definitely need to do this...maybe I'll take the challenge along with you...except maybe for a new dress for my office Christmas party! ha!

  27. I have been thinking of doing this as well! But I want to try and lose some weight (nothing cray - just 10lbs) but I think it would be awesome to stop buying things for myself and get to the goal and be able to buy some new clothes in the new year!!! I commend you for making this goal for yourself and I know you can do it!

    XXOO Lucy

  28. You can totally do it! I really need to be doing the exact same thing. I tend to hold onto clothes FOREVER, thinking that eventually they'll come back into style (or that I'll someday be skinny enough to fit into them). I really need to purge.

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  29. i needed to read this! you are darling!

  30. ok i read this and totally said to myself, 'im doing that, too!' however...i broke my promise about 24 hours in. im going to offer you some advice so you don't do the same, don't look at jcrew factory online any time soon! oops.

  31. i totally SHOULD join you in this goal. haha my husband would appreciate it i'm sure.
    good luck girl!


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