Oct 22, 2013

cosmetic surgery & $1,000

A little over two weeks ago I received a last minute e-mail from a friend inviting me to a night to learn more about the services offered at the Utah Cosmetic Surgery Center. At first I wondered what I could possibly gain from a surgery center, I mean, I am young and don't need any surgery.

Boy was I in for a night of education! First off, the design and decor of the office was just beautiful. Not that, that has anything to do with anything they do, but it has to be noted how stunning that office was. The surgeon at UCS is Dr. Haupt, who is actually one of the top surgeons in the nation. He greeted a group of us along with his staff. I love that he took the time out of his busy schedule to teach us the science behind why certain procedures and products work and what they do for our bodies and skin. I learned they do tons of different things at UCS that are not all surgery related.

He was just an incredibly down to earth guy. One thing he wanted to really educate us on is how we need to start young. No not with plastic surgery, he made a pretty funny Joan Rivers joke actually, but with taking care of our skin! He compared it to going to the gym. How we do all these things for our bodies at the gym to take better care of it, working out muscles and increasing our bodies stamina, but we neglect the healthy of our skin! A lot of young girls are fooled in thinking that they don't need to start doing anything "extra" to help with aging until they are older. I used to be one of them. I learned through a work corporate class that on average the skin starts declining at age twenty five, which means some people start loosing that collagen and elasticity even sooner!

I have no problems with getting older and looking my age. But I also want to look the best I can for my age. It goes beyond beauty, it is also health. For me, my biggest concern has always been sun damage. I have a very light and fair complexion, and the last thing I need is another sunburn. About a year ago I noticed a pretty large sun spot develop under my left eye. My jaw dropped. "Wait a second, I thought, I am only twenty three and I already have a sun spot?!" Yup. Make up wouldn't even cover it. There it was this nasty sun spot there right on my face to remind that my skin had been too damaged by the sun and I was getting older. I can't tell you how much that sun spot has bothered me over the past year. This summer I spent way too much time in the sun, and before I knew it, sun spots and freckles popped up everywhere on my nose and cheeks. I try to be good about sunscreen, but am not as good as I should be when it comes to everyday coverage. Of course I put it on when going out for "big" events in the sun (beach, games, picnic etc.) but what about the sun my face sees every day? I am too fair to not be putting sunscreen on every day, and I should know better.

Now of course at my age I don't need any surgery, in fact I don't know if I ever would even do surgery. However, there are a vast amount of procedures out there that women could be using to help themselves age gracefully that don't require surgery. Ground breaking procedures that honestly, more women should know about and be utilizing.

One of those procedures is a Photo Facial. I had heard about a Photo Facial before and was incredibly curious. That night they went in depth about them. I immediately knew I wanted one. Not just wanted, needed! So what is a Photo Facial? Well it isn't your average relaxing facial you get at a spa. 

"Photofacials are treatments that use laser or intense pulsed light to correct discolorations. Photofacials are for evening the skin tone.  They target the reds and browns in the skin. Photofacials are commonly preformed on the face, neck, decolletage and back of the hands. Photofacials can be preformed anywhere on the body."

What are Photofacials the best for:
Sun spots
Age spots
Liver spots
Melasma (Pregnancy mask)
Broken capillaries
Blotchy skin

I was mostly concerned with the sun spots I had developed, but I also have some discoloration caused from some hyper-pigmentation and some broken capillaries. I was super nervous because I had never done anything like this before and was told that this procedure was no comfortable. The technician that performed the procedure was wonderful. Her name is Alysha and I was comforted by her thorough knowledge and expertise. She made the experience the best it could be!

There is discomfort associated with the treatment. But to help with that she used a topical anesthetic to help ease pain. The technician will try to make the treatment as tolerable as possible, and Alysha did just that. She used two different lasers and would explain to me what they were doing and how they were working before and during the procedure. The one she used on my forehead hurt a bit, but the one for the rest of the face really wasn't that bad. 

So what exactly does it do? A laser vaporizes the top layers of the skin around your lines and wrinkles, making the surface appear flush with the surrounding skin. Collagen production is also stimulated to make the lines and wrinkles of your skin less deep and noticeable.

What can you expect after the treatment?The patient will be red and experience a sunburn like sensation for the next few hours. Any brown spots the patient has will look immediately darker and become even darker over the next day or two. Most of the redness will subside in less than 24 hours of the treatment. The patient will experience micro-crusting and possibly mild superficial blistering. In 3 to 4 days after the treatment the dark brown will start to flake off. By 7 to 10 days after the treatment the skin will be done flaking and a more even toned, brighter complexion can be noticed. Make-up can be applied immediately following the treatment unless otherwise instructed. All post treatment instruction will be discussed with the laser technician before the patient leaves.

I was really worried about mild blistering or bruising which I had read are rare side effects because my skin is extremely sensitive. However, I am extremely happy to say that I didn't have any of that. My experience was exactly described above. All the redness and swelling were gone within a few hours of the treatment. 

Let me just say the results are well worth a few hours of discomfort! I can't express the joy I had when five days later the nasty old sun spot that had been under my left eye since for over a year was GONE! GONE! You guys, if you struggle with any of the above listed THIS TREATMENT IS FOR YOU! I am a convert to photo facials. With my skin tone and sun damage I get I know I will keep up with these treatments over the years. I only did ONE treatment and this is what the results were. If you have severe sun damage from tanning beds etc. it might take you a few treatments, but like I said, it is all worth it.

In these photos I am wearing no make up, and I have done no editing to them whatsoever. You can see that just after one treatment a significant amount of my sun damage and spots are gone. Not only that, but do you notice how less red I am in my cheeks? Can you see how overall my skin is just clearer and more luminous? I can tell you right now that this is a procedure I will for sure being doing probably many time throughout my lifetime! If you do decide to get this done, I highly recommend taking pictures before and after. While you will notice a difference, there is nothing like seeing it side by side, especially since I am sure we are all used to seeing our faces with make up on. The pictures tell all.

And since you can't see it that well in those pictures, let me show you that pesky sun spot that I could never cover with make up that is now GONE!

I have had a few people tell me they miss my YouTube videos and for whatever reason I am just so dang bad at updating my YouTube channel!  I started my YouTube channel as a review channel, but would love to transition it more into a vlog, and in a sense combine them together. So to start I figured I would document my entire photo facial process. ENJOY!

Now on to the really good part! UCS has been generous enough to offer TWO $500.00 Gift Certificates to go towards any laser treatment that you are interested in. How amazing is that? You guys, really... you want this! If you are too scared, get it for a friend! I am so excited to be teaming up with a big group of talented bloggers to help with this giveaway! So here you go...
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Oh my! While the term "surgery" makes my tummy get all gittery and my heart race, I really love the idea of the photofacial! Now that is something I could do without passing out :)

  2. Definitely want to try a photo facial! I could tell you everything about it since I have an esthetics license but have never received one, haha!

  3. Oh man that facial sounds amazing! Your skin looks so gorgeous!!

  4. I'm 25 and have sun spots too! What amazing results!

  5. Alycia~ You were very brave and the results look glowing :)

    Brenda K

  6. I would love a photofacial! I have a giant sunspot under my eye that I just cannot cover!

  7. Holy cow, count me in! I would love to win this!

  8. I have several dark spots, but from your pictures it really looks like this would take care of that!

  9. 1st off you look amazing without makeup on girl ad 2nd that is incredible !!!!

  10. My face has dramatically change in the past 4 years and have develop so many dark spots and sun spots!!!

  11. yep, my jaw dropped. lookin good!

  12. Ok this has to be one of my favourite posts of yours! How cute are you in your video?! Loved the step by step updates. Sounds like a neat procedure! Good for you for being willing to try something new and report on the experience. You look beautiful!

    1. Thanks Carli! And yes, I feel like I come across much more authentically to my personality when I do the videos. I think I will be incorporating them much more :)

    2. You should! I loved this one. It seemed like an entirely authentic and candid glimpse into your personality. Good work lady!

  13. I need to get rid of sun spots as well!!! I can't believe how well it worked for you, wow!

  14. Wow this is amazing! I can't believe how well it worked! Also, can we talk about how adorable you are? Because seriously.

  15. I will be honest when I read the title cosmetic surgery I thought no way am I reading this! I read it though and that is amazing!! I did not know about photo facials. Thank you for this post :)

    1. Sorry to worry you girl! The name of the company kind of throws you off huh? No fears, no surgery here! But lasers I will do ;)

  16. Wow, I've never heard of photo facials before! I have horrible skin though, so I would be interested to research it more!

  17. I can definitely appreciate more information on skincare...you're right that we need to start working on this stuff now, and head off damage at the pass! Thanks for the info, investigative reporter!

  18. Wow this is awesome. I'd love to win this! Your skin looks great. :)

  19. That is phenomenal, you look awesome! Too bad I do not live in Utah!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  20. I not only want this but I need it!!! I just turned 30 and I notice my skin is getting bad!!!

  21. Holy smokes! Your skin looks AMAZE! What a fabulous procedure! I would either get chemical peels or exactly what you had done....photofacials! I could definitely use this...those teen years of worshiping the sun have done it's damage!

  22. I would get a photofacial! I have a lot of redness on my nose and cheeks that I'd like to reduce!

  23. I have rosacea and have always been a little down about it.. I would LOVE This!!

    1. Yes you would! I didn't expect it to change so much of my redness, it is pretty amazing!

  24. Wow. Your skin look so amazing! I definitely need something like this!

  25. So funny - when I saw the title of this post I immediately became super judgy and negative. I REALLY don't like plastic surgery. However, your non-invasive treatment seems really reasonable, plus it made a HUGE difference to your skin. So just maybe you've changed my mind!

    <3 E

    1. Yes, it seems like the title of the post is giving people a different idea! HA! I am not into the idea of plastic surgery either, however, things like this I think are great.

  26. danggg your skin looks amazing! (as if it wasn't already)

  27. I'm also against any kind of surgery, but have been contemplating some kind of laser treatment for a while. I think I just found it!

  28. I'd love to have a photo facial to correct some sun damage on my fair skin.

  29. I have to check this out in my area! I need a photo facial!!!

  30. I think your skin is amazing regardless... I am curious about the facial now but I loved your freckles too!!!

  31. I've never heard of a photofacial before! Now I definitely want to try it!

  32. oh my goodness what a big difference! that is completely amazing!

  33. I so need this, I have hyperpigmentation and sun damage, lucky me! I loved your video showing the step by step too, you look amazing!

  34. You told me I should get this done and now I want to. I hope I win :)

  35. P.S. you were very brave and I'm glad I could talk to you on the way there :)

  36. Wow, your face looks amazing! I would have the same thing done for the red pigment in my skin and the dark circles under my eyes!

  37. Now I want to try that photofacial! You are so cute in your video ;)

  38. I am so curious now!! Thank you for providing so much info on this. I need one. I've had a few Jesner chemical peels, which are also awesome, but not as intense. I have hyper- pigmentation after childbirth and it's so hard to get rid of!

  39. After seeing your amazing results I would totally want to try a photo facial!

  40. I would LOVE this, almost 30 and my skin needs some help!

  41. I would definitely get the photo facial! The sun damage I have is horrible!

  42. If you want to find out remove your moles, you can visit this website on How to Get Rid Of laser mole removal gurgaon.

  43. I saw this video pop up in your youtube channel and I am really amazed by the results you had!! I blush really easily too and have started having other really mild rosacea symptoms. Now I'm on groupon seeing if I can find some deals like this in the area.

    Would you do this process again?

  44. Hi,This is a Amazing post.if you want more information about Laser Photo Facial than click Laser Photo Facial Mumbai.

  45. Great results! However I am confused, did you have an IPL or a fraxel/CO2 laser treatment. A photo facial uses light and doesn't usually produce such dramatic results. You refer to the procedure as a "laser", is that what you had? I only ask because you look amazing and want to do the same thing!!

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