Oct 19, 2013

canadian thanksgiving

With so much family in town last week, and it also being Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday, we were able to have Canadian Thanksgiving together the Sunday before! Growing up I always got two Thanksgivings, and I loved it.
Last Sunday we met up at a family friends house and all brought different parts of the meal. It was a fun night full of eating, playing pool, making music, talking, and laughing. I basically cuddled my sweet nephew all night long. The best part of the night was getting him in his pjs and ready for bed and being able to feed him while he fell asleep in my arms. That little guy just makes me so incredibly happy I tell you. When he smiles... he smiles BIG, and it fills you up! It is the best.

It was such a great night. Basically when my family is all together, everything is right with the world. Everything else falls to the background and we don't focus on anything but each other, and I love that.

Trevor just sat right on down and played this harp like he had been doing it for years. I guess that's just what comes with knowing guitar and piano so well, you can play almost anything! It was so pretty, I think we need a harp now.


  1. beautiful! family time is the best!

  2. Every dish looks amazing!! I want then all haha. I am super excited for thanksgiving!! Thank you for sharing :)

  3. Your nephew is so cute and if you do end up getting a harp you should definitely put up a YouTube video of Trevor playing - I would love to hear it!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. Awww looks like such a fun time! I love what you said about being with family- that's exactly how I feel!! You've got me all excited for Thanksgiving now :) I loooove me some turkey!


  5. awe these pictures are too cute and beautiful! i love canadian thanksgiving :) http://www.floralandfauna.ca

  6. Your nephew is adorable! Happy Thanksgiving

  7. Happy Thanksgiving! I'm half Canadian sooo... it still counts ;) All of my dad's family lives in Canada! :)


  8. I am so happy you have such love in your life.:)

    1. Aw what a sweet comment :) and I sure hope everyone does! I know I am lucky to have the family I do!

  9. It was a great weekend!! I'm paying for it now by being sick but it was worth it!

  10. I love these pictures and I'd love to have two Thanksgivings! Haha...your nephew is absolutely adorable and the food looks so delicious.

  11. I absolutely love seeing all of these pictures!! Looks so fun - what a blessed time!!

  12. Is that first dish a bread dish it looks like bread.............you do have a cute nephew thank you for the photos makes me happy to see you have a good time

  13. Love that you guys celebrated Canadian Thanksgiving!! We had a great Thanksgiving ourselves! Love any opportunity to spend time with my family and eat an unreasonable amount of food :) :) :)

  14. mmmm! those rolls look SO good. and i mean SO good.

  15. Soo wish we had Thanksgiving here in Australia - any chance for great food and family to travel from all over to be together. Your post warmed my heart...(and made my belly rumble).

  16. My goodness, do those rolls ever look delicious. You need to share the recipe!


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