Sep 4, 2013

J. Taylor Photography

Today I am excited to introduce you to Jalene! Jalene is someone I have been following online for years. Little did we know Trevor and I had actually worked with her husband back in the day! And we have a few mutual friends. After wanting to meet up for forever we finally did a few months back. I wish she lived closer so we could hang out more.

For years I have enjoyed Jalene's photography. I love the colors and emotions she captures in her photographs and I would have to say she is one of the best photographers in Utah.  Jalene specializes in weddings and birth stories and she is available for bookings this fall and starting in 2014. You guys, I wish I had known about Jalene before I got married, and I really hope by some miracle she is around when I give birth. Her birth stories make me teary eyed with one glance.

Jalene has a promotion going on right now that I think you should jump on if you are wanting to get some beautiful fall pictures! I know I am already thinking Christmas cards. You can sign up for some Fall Family Mini Sessions right now!

Check her blog out for more beautiful images!!
She is also an amazing teacher if you are looking to work on your photography skills!


  1. I used to follow her personal blog but then it went away! =( Always loved her photography.

  2. Such beautiful pictures!

    XO, Samm

  3. These are beautiful images AND beautiful people!

  4. Wow, she takes really gorgeous photos!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  5. Her work is gorgeous! I wish we still lived in Utah so we could use her!


  6. Beautiful pictures! She definitely has a gift.


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