half marathon 13.1


Here we go again! On my list of 25 before 25 I had put that I wanted to run another Half Marathon by my next birthday. I have been avoiding this one. After the full Marathon last year I decided I was pretty much done with running forever, I felt like I did my time! However, I really like the goal of training for something, so I put it on my list. Oh how quickly the mind forgets...

Ever since moving to Provo I have seen the excitement that surrounds the Provo Halloween Half Marathon. It sounded like the perfect half to do, I mean, there are costumes involved so obviously that makes it awesome! But I didn't want to do it alone, so I encouraged my friend Diana who has been killing it with her weight loss and running to do it with me. She was hesitant, but I know she will be amazing. I think she will probably pass me up because she is way ahead on her training than I am. I am excited to run another marathon, and to do with it someone who has become a dear friend.


  1. colorful sport outfit..i love your shoes.xo


  2. You are a better woman than I! If I am running, someone is chasing me with a knife...or trying to tickle me. Good luck, girl.

  3. I am so inspired by anyone who decides to run any sort of marathon or 1/2 marathon. I am just not a runner!

  4. Good for you, girl. Definitely a tough goal, but something you've done and know you can do again.

  5. I've always admired people who can run because I am not a runner! You go girl, you'll do great!

  6. I'm running a half marathon in Oct too! Training is totally kicking my butt but I'm kind of loving it! I haven't run one since the spring after I got married and now I'm thinking maybe I'll do one in between every baby...we'll see! Props to you for running a full! That's so impressive to me!

  7. Love the idea of a Halloween half! not so much the running, but Halloween is my fav holiday, haha! going to check out Ryan's blog right now!

  8. A Halloween half sounds fun - you will rock this. I so need to sign up for another half as motivation to train a bit better.


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