1,000 a day keeps the doctor away...

I haven't done a fitness update in awhile, so I figured I would let you know where I am! Things have been going alright over here. Since I started back in January I have been able to lose 10 pounds. Thing is, I lost those 10 pounds pretty fast. I have been maintaining that 10 pounds weight loss for months. It has been frustrating because it isn't where I used to be. I can't seem to get lower.

I am slowly coming to the realization that where I used to be was me when I was 19 years old, and maybe it is time I shift my logic. I won't weigh what I did at 19 for forever. Especially since I was coming off 18 where I was playing three sports year round and had the metabolism of a 12 year old. 

It is time to face it... I am getting older. Did you know that age 25 is when the skin starts aging? It actually starts declining downwards. So 24 is the peak. I am at my skins peak right now.  I am not trying to say that 24 is old. Heck, I am very, very young. But what I am saying is that my body is changing, and I am indeed getting older. I am no longer a teenager.

So lately I have been trying to focus less on how much I weigh, and more on how I look and feel. Am I strong? Am I healthy? When I lost those 10 pounds I felt amazing! I could see the difference in my body, and I feel like I look pretty great right now! So who cares if I don't look like I did when I was 19? I look dang good at 24. Doesn't mean I don't have changes I could still make, or habits to break. But I want to be happy with who I am in the now, knowing I have made some good changes and am getting better.

I have felt like the best thing for me has been making goals. I like challenges and coming from someone who played a lot of sports growing up, I feel like these goals bring that competitive side out of me that I have been lacking in my exercise routine without being on a sports team. 

I saw my friend start posting on Instagram her 1000 calories a day challenge. The goal is to burn 1000 calories a day. Talk about intense right? I don't do 1000 a day, but I totally loved the challenge of getting 1000 in a day, and decided that I would try and get 1000 4-5 times a week. Thank to the use of my trusty Polar FT4  I am able to track it while I am at the gym and working out. I LOVE having that goal ahead of me. It pushes me.

I also made the goal to do another half marathon before I turn 25. I decided that the Provo Halloween Half Marathon has always looked like a blast, so why not that one? You get to wear a costume for goodness sake! I haven't really ran since I did the Marathon last year because of a knee injury I got during it. I am really hoping when I start training again it won't act up, and that it has got even rest time.

So here is to having realistic expectations, loving your body and yourself, and making goals to continue towards success!


  1. Good job!! Every time I lose weight, my milk supply drops. So even though I'm enjoying breastfeeding, part of me can't wait to be done and really hit the weight loss hard. I know how to lose weight, so it's super frustrating to not be able to do it. I can't believe you're burning 1000 calories in one day, that is so awesome. I think I need one of those trackers, it would be so much fun to see the actual numbers!

  2. Wow 1,000 calorie burn, you go girl! Love following your progress, keep it up. I'm inspired to go running tonight :)

  3. 1000 a day! Definitely intense. Good luck!!! :)

  4. I want that watch! I love setting goals for myself too. Every since my wedding I have been really slacking and need to start caring for my body better! Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. Such awesome motivation and encouragement for me! Thank you for posting this! I love the idea of 1000 calories a day challenge. =D

  6. I'm glad you're shifting your thinking. A few years ago I read an AWESOME book called, "Why Women Need Fat." It's about the science of weight loss and how your body plateaus at a certain weight because it's probably the weight your body needs to be at that time in your life.

    I recommend it to everyone who expresses frustration at not being able to lose those "last five pounds." Good luck on your journey!

  7. I love your perspective on your body. It is great to hear someone accept their ever changing body and focus on how the are feeling instead of what the scale says. Kudos to you Alycia!

    P.s. Happy anniversary! Yours is the day after mine and my husbands.

  8. I seriously can't imagine burning 1,000 cals in a workout! I typically will run until I've hit 400, and I haven't done that in months. GO YOU!!! :)

    I tel myself that all the time "why can't I get tiny like I was when I started dating Caleb?" -- well when we started dating I was 17! Aiiiint gonna happen, LOL! Thanks for the encouragement, dear!

  9. Good for you! I have the will power of an amoeaba and the free time of a working mom. Bad combination, right?

    I wish one day I can go back to my looks from when I was 24 (weight wise, apparently skin wise that ship has sailed since I turned 25 LOL). That's when I was my skinniest. I was pretty dang hot. LOL. One day...

    Ana Paula
    {Visit me at Mommyhood, PhD}

  10. Another half sounds great and congrats on 1,000 a day!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  11. Wow! Get it girl! 1000 sounds rough, but awesome! So crazy about the skin thing at 24! That's why we have to start taking care of ourselves when we are young!

  12. I've been trying to find inspiration to stay motivated to exercise more reguarly. I exercise when I can when it fits into my schedule (full time working mom of a active and busy 8 year old with a 45 min commute) but I think I'm up to the challenge.

  13. I hear you! I am in the same boat as you, working hard to get back to "19" which for me was 2 kids and 9 years ago. My moto know is to just be the best that I can and to be strong and healthy. Keep at it girl!

  14. What an awesome realization to have before it's too late and you've beaten yourself up to shreds over what could be un realistic goals. I have that same HRM-love it! I don't work out without it. I've never worn it all day to see what I burn in a day but I love knowing where my heart rate is and how much I accomplished in a work out. You did something right if you lost 10 pounds and kept it off so that's still something to be proud of.

  15. Okay, I might just take up this 1,000 calorie a day thing. And a costume run? Oh my gosh I want to do that so bad. I even have the perfect costume in mind.

  16. Alycia! Love your blog, and love your fitness posts. They are great motivation!

    I am thinking about doing the provo halloween half as well this fall, but was wondering if you had any advice since it is my first one. i dont LOVE running, but i want to push myself & just do it! any words of wisdom, considering you've done a marathon before?

  17. I love your positive attitude! I tend to get really hung up on scale numbers, but the reality is that isn't necessarily what matters. And oh girl, just wait until you turn 30... I feel like ever since that point my poor body has begun to betray me almost daily! ;-)

    Sarah @ Life As Always

  18. Geez I am 24!! Didn't know your skin starts to go down hill at 25 :(

  19. I am running the Halloween Half too! It's going to be a blast. It will be my third half marathon this year. I loooove them. And I guess at 27 yrs old, my skin is on it's way out the door... and I've noticed recently! NOT COOL.

  20. That is amazing! I'm going to start this challenge as well. I really need to get in shape. I have let this go too far. :)

    Jessa @ Life of A Sports Wife

  21. Are you weight training? Great way to push through a plateau...

  22. completely agree. i'm 24, too, and it's a sad realization. :)

  23. That is so awesome!!! 1000 calories a day is WAAAY intense! i don't know if I could manage that haha

  24. Good thoughts. Hahah....this morning I tried on a favorite pair of jeans from high school/college. The strange thing is I weigh LESS than I did during my freshman year of college (freshman 15 you better believe) and yet I can hardly button them up. At first I was like "man I am fat I need to lose some weight." Then while reading your post some logic set in.......I'm getting old too. :) And I had 2 babies. (I think I grew hips or something.) Tight jeans that give me a muffin top shouldn't be my gauge. I need to be more patient and forgiving of this postpartum, aging body. :)

  25. I'm going to get a watch like that soon. it is so great . it helps you stay positive :O)

  26. That half marathon sounds like so much fun! I'm half tempted to sign up even though we don't live there. I could just come stay with you if I had to, right?! :)
    I'm sure you know this, but when you start running, train SLOW! If you dive in too fast your injury will come right back to the surface. At least that's what happened to me.

  27. Having realistic expectations is so much better. Good for you! -Hanna Lei

  28. o no 24! I'm 24, makes me realize I should make the most of this year because I'll never be this young again! I really like the idea of trying to burn 1000 calories a day.

  29. Amazing! I can't imagine burning 1000 calories a day. The fat would just melt off!

  30. That's a great post!
    And I love your point of view.

    Just the other night I cried my eyes out thinking of the fact that I just won't lose those pounds to get back the weight I used to have back in high school.
    In fact I don't seem to be fat and chubby ...

    So I'm totally with you on that point for us to concentrate on the way we feel and making the best we can of our bodies.



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