Apr 17, 2013

yes, another big group giveaway, but just wait, this is different...$450.00

So folks, by now you have all heard google is getting rid of google reader. Well I personally think that it is just a matter of time before they get rid of our google friend connect, because let's be honest, why wouldn't they? The two features go hand in hand.

Now Google hasn't actually come out and said anything about this, but if you haven't noticed the widget's website no longer works (google.com/friendconnect) and has been replaced by a Google Plus error page. They have also gone to some efforts to basically hide the friend connect widget from the main selections of your "add a gadget" page in Blogger. Dana knows all the details on this if you want to learn more!

So in an effort to start moving things over, I want to start using Bloglovin' more. As a little group we are doing a giveaway to kind of boost the efforts to a more reliabale blog specific reader, plus, $450.00 wouldn't hurt, right?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Already following you on Bloglovin- fun giveaway!

  2. Love that I was already following so many of these awesome ladies!! :)

  3. Thanks so much for being part of this!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. What an amazing givaway............someone will be very lucky


Howdy Ho :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have enabled the forum feature on my comments so we can all interact in conversation. So if you leave a question, look back for a reply!