Mar 23, 2013

personal style...

Cardigan: Forever 21
Top: Forever 21 (similar)
Vintage Fur Shoulder Wrap
Pants: JCrew (you NEED these pants in your life)
Boots: Madden Girl (New Version Available)
Lipstick: Kat Von D - Painted Love Stiletto

Back in September I wrote a whole blog post about how I needed balance on this blog. I felt like my interests had taken over the main purpose of this blog, so I decided to cut back on some things. Since then I have felt I have more of a balance and want to start incorporating some of the things I love again on the blog, like exploring my personal style!
I won't lie, I am a tad hesitant to bring this back. Last year I received criticism on the wonderful site Get Off My Internets, have you heard of them? Um. Yeah. Anyways... someone basically thought "How dare she do fashion posts on her blog when all she wears is stuff from Target, and Forever 21."
Well, let me just start off  by saying, yes, I do wear A TON of Forever 21, I am pretty much a walking advertisement for them! I am not ashamed! (Hey Forever 21, if you ever need me - I am your poster child!) At the end of the day I like anything that looks good. I don't care if it doesn't cost a lot of money (heck I prefer it when it doesn't!) or where it comes from - if it is cute and looks good on me, I am wearing it!
I like expensive brand names all the way down to a great Walmart find. But if I can find something that looks almost exactly the same as something expensive, but for cheaper, I call that being SMART. That just leaves me more money to travel with :) Wearing something that happens to be inexpensive does not mean you don't have "style."

STYLE IS NOT A NAME BRAND! Did I make myself clear? Style is not a "name brand." You can't just buy a bunch of name brand stuff and consider yourself done. It is more about having fun with what you are wearing and creating something that fits "you" specifically. Something that shows your personality.
I like to do personal style fashion posts because I love clothes and playing around with my own personal style, and sharing that with others who are interested in the same thing is a lot of fun. But don't expect to see a ton of name brands over here, this girl has student loans to pay off and a husband in Law School - and I don't think that means I can't still have fun with clothes, and it certainly doesn't exclude someone from having "style." Everyone has a style! Girl's should never stop playing dress up in my opinion :)
Some of my favorite online stores.
You can check out my specific "picks" from these sites on my Pinterest.


  1. love this! & couldnt agree more! :)

  2. Hey Alycia,

    I just discovered GOMI the other day and was shocked that there were 169 pages of haters just on the Rockstar Diaries alone... Opposition in all things, right? As an avid quote collector, I immediately thought of this one after reading this post & had to share:

    “To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.” -Aristotle

    Anyways, the thought that wearing budget-tastic, trendy clothes is a BAD thing.. is so ridiculous. I am usually weary of fashion blogs/posts because I think they can perpetuate a materialistic society that puts too much emphasis on appearance...BUT I also agree with you that one of the wonderful things about being a girl (or guy) is you can really play up your style/femininity/creativity/self expression. That is not vapid or bad at all. I think the way YOU to fashion posts is very're not pompous or materialistic about it at all. You are a beautiful, genuine person and I'm sorry there are people out there who choose not to see it. <3

    I am such a fan of you and this do what fits you best. I love what you've said about refusing to be ruled by exterior forces/a compelling desire to fit a particular mold/aesthetic...shows that you are honoring your individuality. I deeply admire you for that.

    Sorry for this novel, but you deserve a heartfelt comment. <3

    -Britt (

    1. Britt, you just made my day! I love that qoute and need to remember it. Sometimes when someone wrongly assumes something about me, or crtiscizes me I can get defensive, and that just feeds into that person's issue in the first place!

      Thanks for being so sweet :)

    2. <3 I'm so happy my comment brought some happiness to you! And you're right, it just feeds into their issues! Another concept that helps me is rooted in an Eckhart Tolle quote:

      "The particular egoic patterns that you react to most strongly in others and misperceive as their identity tend to be the same patterns that you also in you, but that you are unable or unwilling to detect within yourself."

      So basically, people project their own weaknesses onto others in their observations. Negative comments have more to do with them & not you.

      <3 <3 <3

    3. LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT! &it is SOOOOO true! haha Unfortunatly...

  3. amen. We need posts like this. I'm married to a med school student, so I know all about loans too. So this is wonderful. But mostly, I love that you aren't accepting criticism. I'm so glad you're standing up for yourself because it's hard making yourself so vulnerable on a blog. You're opening yourself up to basically everyone and the opportunity for criticism. We need more bloggers like you. Thank you :)

    1. Oh med school, yes, you do indeed know a thing or two about loans! haha :) Any type of graudate school is a true investment!

  4. Ha! Someone made the same comment on GOMI about me recently. Hip hip hooray for them...

    Oh well. I personally think you're rockin! And buying high-end stuff is NOT the point of fashion. In fact, I prefer fashion bloggers like you over some other fashion bloggers because you wear things actual people wear, not things straight from a designer, just to say they're wearing things straight from a designer.

    You rock. I love you. The end.

    1. Thanks Brooke! Sorry they mentioned you on GOMI haha that site is the craziest!

  5. Hell yes! I pretty much only wear Forever 21, Target, TJ Maxx, and Old Navy. I'm not ashamed that I wear inexpensive clothes either. Cheaper places have clothes that's just as pretty as higher end places, and why would I want to go broke to look good when I can look good in Forever 21? Even if I win a million dollars (though not likely) I think I would still shop at inexpensive places!

    I love your style! This outfit is fabulous as are you!

    1. Right?! I think back in the day things maybe weren't as nice as the really "nice" stuff, but now a days I find amazing things at places like F21, people always ask if it is from some other "higher name brand place" and are shocked when I tell them it is from F21 haha :)

  6. some people are so lame! Not gonna lie the first time I found GOMI i searched around to see if I was on there, i was so nervous.. but obviously my blog's too unknown which is fine with me haha...

    but heck i ONLY shop at target, f21, h&m... i can't even afford J Crew factory! If you own it and make it look good, that's all that matters ya know? anyone can dress in expensive clothes, but look like a trainwreck... then someone else could look trendy and put together with an outfit from old navy!

    1. Thanks Rachel, and I totally understand you looking around to see if you were on it! haha Normally if you are you get so many hits it shows up on your stats and your like, what is this?! haha and then you find out!! haha

    2. that makes sense. anyways sorry it happened to you! and keep up your style posts, they are so fun! :)

  7. Love, love, love this outfit. And I LOVED what you said about name brands and being "smart." Thanks for that. I completely agree.

  8. I agree 100% !!!!! Saving money and still looking cute :)

  9. I agree 100% !!!!! Saving money and still looking cute :)

  10. Personally, I like style posts where the clothes come from somewhere that I can afford. And for me, that usually means Target. So please keep the affordable fashion posts coming :o)

  11. oh my gosh thank you for this post! i sometimes find myself getting annoyed when i click on a link and find that the item the said fashion blogger is wearing, is over $100 or even $50! drives me nuts. i totally agree with everything you said here!

  12. I love Forever 21 & Target and all your top 10's! And I always love your fashion posts. Thanks for all of them regardless of what someone commented!!!!

  13. So true! Great post! I love Forever 21 and Target too!
    Cute outfit! Your sweater and boots are too cute!


  14. OMG seriously?? someone said that??? lol
    okay first of all, i totally agree with you in that it doesn't matter what brand the clothing item is from. whatever looks good, looks good. simple as that.
    second, some of us do NOT have the money to be shopping at places like jcrew and banana all day. jeesh.
    and third, i think its way more impressive to make "cheaper" brand clothing like f21 and target look good because uh.. im pretty sure that we could all look good if we had the money to be shopping at those high-end stores.
    so props to you alycia girl! keep up your awesome style because you are inspiring to sooo many women out there. like me! :)


    The DayLee Journal

    1. Thanks Marsa!!! Love your blog :) Are you guys in Utah? We should hang out sometime!!!

  15. 'Style is not a name brand'. I love that.
    It doesn't matter where you shop/if half of your closet is from the same store. WHO CARES?! You put together your own outfits with what you like and it's your own personal developed style. And I love it!


  16. I just found GOMI a couple of weeks ago. I was shocked by the hateful things they can say about one person and their clothing, makeup, accessories etc. And also wondering how they have so much time on their hands to sit at a computer and criticize. Ugh! I too like F21, aside from the fact that they don't give refunds and I love, love discount stores. I can buy a pair of BCBG for $25 instead of $60-80. Duh, that's like a no brainer! I'm glad to see this style post! You look fab!

    Method Clothe

    1. They used to give refunds! Funny thing is, because I shop there so much I don't even mind getting store credit haha :) I know I will use it eventually!

    2. I always forget to check for you replies and I finally remembered! yay me. If I had a f21 close to me if wouldn't be a big deal at all. They one at my closet mall closed. Can you believe that! So I have to drive 45-1hr to the nearst store and by the time I get down there I don't want to shop. lol

    3. Haha I always wondered if the reply comments sent an email or not. I guess they don't! Wish they did, that would be easier. Usually if they give you store credit they give you a card that you can actually use online, so you don't have to drive all the way to one and use it!

  17. Great post and outfit! Couldn't agree with you more, it shouldn't matter what brand your wearing as long as it reflects your personal style and you have fun with it. Don't let other people's opinions weigh heavily on your mind, do what makes you happy. :)

  18. I think I've been seeing this amazing sweater all over the internet, or at least one close to it! It's so cute! I love it, you can wear it with anything. And I always love your makeup and hair! Gorgeous gorgeous.

    The House of Shoes

    1. Thanks Sara!!! :) Yeah it is a great sweater!! And reasonably priced ;) haha

  19. I agree with you. Fashion isn't about designer labels (although the designers may want us to think this). Thanks for being genuine!

  20. I LOVE this post and couldn't agree more! Keep the adorable style posts coming!

  21. Yes, yes and yes!! Your style is all your own, and I love it! Please keep up these kinds of posts! xo

  22. you go girl!! keep the style posts coming!

  23. I love this entire outfit!


  24. How many ways can I agree with this post??? Everything is true! I think real style is taking a budget and finding clothes wherever and making them look great. Anyone can look good in designer clothes with an unlimited budget, but it takes real personal style and taste to create something cute and fun out of cheaper brands. I adore Target and Forever 21, most of my clothes come from there (I've been eying your sweater and it looks great on you!) and you have nothing to be ashamed of. This post was great, thanks for writing it and putting yourself out there:)

  25. You are adorable and you have amazing style! Don't worry what anyone else thinks :). I like that you shop at Target, makes me feel better, because I shop at those "cheap" places, too! :)

  26. Agreed. Keep your fashion posts coming!

  27. I LOVE when bloggers post fashion I can actually afford! In fact I stopped following a lot of fashion bloggers just because it made me want things I knew I couldn't afford. I think it's great that you can show people how to dress cute without spending a fortune! You're amazing!!

    1. Thanks Emma! &yes, sometimes it can be hard to see a bunch of things you can never have hahaha

  28. you go girl! love your style here!


  29. Adorable outfit! I can't believe someone criticized your outfits because they come from Target and Forever 21! You are absolutely right that style does not equal name brand.

  30. I actually enjoy reading blogs who post affordable fashion MORE than high-end designers. :)

  31. i just adore your coat here! how darling! the print is wonderful.

    lindsey louise

  32. Personally I don't understand paying a ton of moola for trends you can get cheaper at F21, Charlotte Russe, etc. I love your style & anyone who has time to come up with criticism of someone who's just enjoying life & having fun like you has too much time on their hands. :)

  33. Who cares where it comes from. There are plenty of expensive clothes that look terrible and tons of cheap things that look great. Affordable fashion is even better. -Hanna

  34. Replies
    1. I got it at a vintage market, I love it :)! &I have had these boots for FOREVER! I have run them into the ground, but they are my favorite. So comfortable and they go with everything :)

  35. agreed, name brand shouldn't define if you have cool outfits. Thrifting for the win, it's bloggers like you that I can relate to!=)

  36. I am GLAD you do brands and stores that are accessible. I love your ensemble today and look forward to seeing more!

  37. I love forever 21 as well as Target. I get almost all the babies clothes from there! Your style is great and you are work'n that red lipstick!

  38. looove your lipstick!
    p.s. cute blog :)

  39. I agree about writing a fashion post when it's all Target, Forever 21, etc. Most girls can relate more to that than the more expensive brands. And plus you look just as good if not better! Probably better! :)

  40. I'm pretty sure MOST people would prefer to see outfit posts from someone who wears normal clothes rather than designer clothes. And the whole brand thing annoys me, that's the main reason that I never write what brand the pieces that I wear are in my outfit posts. Other reasons are that some of my clothes are 5-7 years old and I'm sure that it would never help anyone to know the brand name and/or I don't know the brand!

    1. hahaha yes, some of my things are that old as well :) although with your perfect little body I bet you can keep something for forever :) haha

  41. Okay...GOMI people are seriously so sad. They just sit and do that all day! Breaks my heart....Also, wouldn't people PREFER/WANT Target & F21 items?! I know I can't go off to J. Crew and drop $98 on a cardigan..but if you show me a Target one for $12- you bet girl! Love the blog and excited for more affordable fashion!

  42. Fashion posts that feature F21 and Target are my favorites because hell, I'm a newlywed with a supersmall budget and that's what I can afford. Keep it up, and I'll keep reading. :]

  43. love your top!

  44. LOVE the cardiagan!! Forever 21 is seriously the best place ever. :)

  45. Love this. I have missed your style! If you ever getba clothing sponsor , please don't stop showing us cheaper finds! Not all of us can afford j. Crew everything! And you look great in everything!

  46. BOO to mean people. I find myself being drawn more to bloggers who have a fashion sense that is actually realistic. Sure, some of those big fashion bloggers out there have really pretty clothes, but I am not going to spend a thousand dollars on my whole outfit (even if I could afford to, that's still just ridiculous), so why would my favorite fashion bloggers be the ones that do spend that much?
    I think it's awesome that you are able to dress super cute, but you still do it on a budget. Too many people out there waste too much money on superficial things. Long live Forever 21.

  47. Love this and couldn't agree more Alycia!! My closet is full of so many brands! Some that are super affordable and some that are a bit more expensive... and I love it that way! Personal style shouldn't ever be dependant on a high price tag. In fact, I'm so proud of myself when I see something I love in a random store for a random price. It confirms that I'm buying that item because it reflects me and my style. The alternative is buying clothing items because of the label on the tag. For me, that would mean not being authentic. I'm much happier to find clothing items that represent my personal style in unexpected, surprising and *most often* affordable places :)

    1. I know what you mean about how surprising it can be to find those great things at affordable places! I feel like stores like Forever 21 or Target etc. have really "stepped" up and offer us some really great things now that can totally compete with higher end!! I love it :)

  48. Well I have a bunch of stuff from Target too~
    It's just an amazing store, mmmmmmm-kay?

  49. Very well said, Alycia. I'm sorry you were discouraged by some silly person's idea of style, and I'm glad your back sharing your exploration of personal style!
    I love this outfit - the cardigan with that fabulous fur wrap and a red lip... love it!
    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your fashion posts!
    Have the loveliest of days :)

  50. Amen! Don't get me started on consumerism and how insane it all is to me. Thank you so much for making so much sense, though! And for saying/writing what I have been too lazy to write.

    Love your blog!

    Glenna May

  51. Love this post. You are so gorgeous! XO Aly

  52. I love that you are taking a stand. Fashion does not need to be expensive. Anyone can go to a high end store and buy what is on the mannequin, but someone with true style is piecing things from different places in a fun and new way. My husband is at BYU in the MBA program and we know a thing or two about student loans... we have to get pretty creative with our wardrobe. Our kids are growing so we usually spend the money on them :)

  53. Well said Alycia! I love that you know how to shop for deals and make them look great :)

  54. That fur shoulder wrap is AH-MAZING. Love the tribal print cardi too. Such a great look. F21 is one of my favorite stores although I probably should've stopped shopping there a long time ago. :)

    1. I got this fur wrap recently at a vintage market, $10.00!!! :) LOVE IT. It is real fur, but it is vintage, so that makes it not as bad right? :/

  55. That's exactly why I love your fashion post- they are real! I'm glad you're back at it, your blog is so fun to read :)

  56. That fur wrap combined with the sweater -- love it. And I call saving money on clothes smart too. You go girl!
    grey et al

  57. Well said! I totally agree, if I can find something at Forever 21 or even Walmart for a quarter of the price, then I call that a success!! Not everyone can spend thousands of dollars on clothes, unfortunately, I know i'd love to! I love your outfit posts, hope you'll keep them coming :)

  58. I saw this earlier today and didn't get a chance to write back. But I just wanted to say how much I admire you for a) not responding to the criticism (to say the least) from that blog with more criticism, and b) I appreciate bloggers who DON'T make outfits out of expensive brands. Most people can't afford them. Why would we flock to blogs that are full of brands we can't afford? I appreciate your point that true style works what you've got - low or high budget, Goodwill or Chanel, if you can make it work, I think that defines style. AND I think you make F21 work : ) Keep doing your thing!

  59. This could not be more true! Style is definitely not a name brand, it's all about what you do with what you have! Good for you for standing behind that! That said, I'm loving this outfit, you look so cute & cozy! The 2nd photo from the bottom is so pretty of you!

    1. Thanks Kate! My little sister takes my pictures for me and she can always make me smile like no one else :)

  60. Loved your point of view about personal style! Lovely blog! Have a nice day!

  61. Forever21 and Target are the best stores. Cute, cheap, in style clothes!!

    You go girl!

  62. Love this look! And love the bright red lips on you!


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