Jan 16, 2013

that time i forgot i was in america...

 Sami Jo Photography

this is one of my favorite sweaters I recently got from ASOS :) if you haven't seen it enough all ready!

If you guys don't know about ASOS yet, I am sorry for introducing you to your newest addiction. It is a clothing store based in the United Kingdom, and I have been in love with them for about two years now.

I love their massive selection, and I feel like their options are less cookie cutter then other places. I also love how they have so many modest options which can be hard for us Mormon girls! Did I mention they have free shipping, from England? Yeah, anyways, enough of how amazing they are and on to how dumb I was the other day...

I was browsing like I normally do, I love to virtually window shop, and I noticed that a lot of pieces were super cheap! I got really excited and just started adding item after item into my online cart. I remember thinking "No way is that dress $20.00, done! No way that is only $15.00, getting it right now!" I should have known it was too good to be true because when I went to check out I noticed something... a foreign little symbol...  £

Yup, that is right. A GBP. As in NOT American. So, while holding my breath I went to see exactly how much everything would convert to. I have spent some time in England and Scotland, so I knew it would be more then what I was thinking/hoping for. I clicked the button to USD, and my stomach dropped. Gosh Dang it, talk about the biggest let down ever!

So no new amazing clothes from ASOS. Not until the United Kingdom decides that the GBP will some how magically represent USD. Or until I realize that I live in America.

All I can say is... major fail alycia, major fail.


  1. hahaha oh no!! Well I am sure you will have new clothes soon enough.
    btw how much is the difference between U.S dollars and europe money?
    I love that sweater too!!

  2. Ha ha! This is cracking me up! I have always wondered how exactly how you pronounce ASOS? Hm... They have super cute maternity clothes too. Sometimes looking though them makes me want to get pregnant. And I could never get sick of seeing that sweater!

    1. I know! I can't wait to shop there once that time comes! The cutest maternity clothes ever!

  3. oh how i hate when that happens. getting all excited about a good deal and then... wrong currency.

  4. ASOS got me through my pregnancy! AND they have the best ever tights.. nobody has better ones. That sweater is so cute.. I'd surely live in it.

    And now that you reminded me.. I think I'll head on over to ASOS for a little browsing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Haha!I did the exact same thing with them! I love them still... free shipping and retuns!

  7. I have totally done the exact same thing! its crazy what the price difference is!!

  8. I do that every time I look around ASOS! I love everything they have!

  9. You can go to ASOS' site for the US and you will see all the prices in USD and there will be no surprises.

    1. yes haha I know, I just had clicked on the wrong one for some reason and spent the entire time thinking the prices were much lower haha

    2. Your post yesterday totally reminded me that I haven't ordered anything lately so of course, I went on the site and ordered a dress last night! Haha your fault!

  10. gorgeous sweater!! i went to Paris a few years ago and remember thinking "wow everything is SO cheap". And then I was like oh no it's not. haha! if you didn't know, they're currently having a huge 70% off sale with some amazing pieces!! the shopaholic in me is dying a little bit.

    1. Yes I did see that! Sometimes I have to avoid sales because I will just go crazy thinking it is justified because it isn't full price haha

  11. i have had that sweater pinned for awhile now because I LOVE IT. this does not help :) and it looks awesome on you.

  12. I love ASOS too....although I forget about it sometimes. What an amazing sweater...cozy perfection!!!

    The Mrs. and The Momma

  13. Why can't the whole world go on something similar to the Euro (because that worked out so well...)? It would make international shopping so much easier.

  14. I love ASOS too! :) love your sweater!


  15. Worst letdown EVER! I am going to have to check them out, though-definitely always looking for modest options!

  16. Ha! I did the same thing when I was in Italy. I thought that I would buy myself a nice purse and found one in my price limit (or it would have been my price limit if the euro magically became usd). I was more than shocked when I got back home and looked at my credit card bill which had the correct USD price listed. oops

    1. haha oh man, you actually bought it and everything?! haha Oh the small little mistakes we make! haha

  17. ahhh i love ASOS, but i absolutely cannot spend that much on my clothes! not since i found plato's closet.. also, you're gorgeous.

  18. this happens to me all the time when i'm 'window' shopping on dorothy perkins! too bad the exchange rate is so high, because ASOS has an incredible selection! for instance, that FAB sweater you're wearing.

  19. I didn't read all the comments, so maybe this was addressed, but I when I clicked the link, it gave me a US store option...with us prices and sizing. swell! Thanks for sharing...but yes, so stylish, so dangerous.


    1. Haha yes, that's the point other story, I was viewing the website in the wrong currency one morning and didnt realize until checkout that I wasn't in U.S. haha

  20. i love your sweater. and it looks really comfy.

  21. i love this sweater!! it's perfect!

  22. LOL! This post cracked me up!! I was introduced to ASOS 3 years ago when we first moved to Germany, and I was taken for a loop too when I went on their site for the first time!

  23. Can you tell me how the fit is on the sweater? I am in love with it and want to buy it asap!

  24. Omg I love that cardigan, coat thing. I have been wanting one of those tribal blanket things for like ever. I am a new follower. So hi. Where did you get the cardigan? I love the mountain views and the snow, amazing.


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