my holey husband...

I have mentioned a few times via instagram and on this blog (here and here) about my husband and how he likes to wear the same t-shirts over and over again for years to the point where they begin to develop massive holes in them, and then he still continues to wear them. I am not the type of girl where I will dress my husband, he is an indivdual and can choose his own clothes and what he likes... BUT the holes are getting out of hand, haha. Thankfully he usually only wears these shirts to the gym, but he will still lounge around in them all the time too.

Many times I have told him that he looks like a homeless person. NowH I do not mean to poke fun at people who truley don't have enough to buy new clothing for themselves, but on the drive home from my sister's wedding we were in Vegas at a stop light and a homeless man was walking across the intersection... he had a shirt on that looked JUST like one of Trevor's many holey t-shirts. It even had the holes in the same spots as Trevor's shirts. You guys... I can't make this stuff up it was just hilarious! I pointed it out to Trevor and we just started busting up laughing.

I guess I should be happy I have a husband who feels like he needs to get good use out of his stuff before he discards them. Needless to say, Trevor still wears his holey t-shirts, and I don't see him stopping anytime soon, haha.


  1. This is hilarious! At first I thought it was some sort of bizarre fashion statement! I've been known to 'lose' some of Steve's older tops- seriously, it may sound a bit sly but he gets some free t-shirt or other with a random company logo and keep hold of it for years! Crazy!Rx

  2. Haha! hilarious! My guy does that too :) I doubt that he has one shirt without at least a little whole underneath the armpit....but that picture above is just hilarious!

  3. My husband is the SAME way! All his shirts are getting holes in them now. He just likes them, though, and so he keeps wearing them, and he really likes to get use out of things before throwing them away. I bought him a cool t-shirt the other day; we'll see what he thinks of it when we're reunited on Wednesday. :-)

  4. husband wears holey shirts too. Although they are usually just around the arm pits. They haven't gotten THAT bad yet!

  5. ah! glad to know I am not the only one with a man who cares not to wear a perfectly intact shirt. yesterday I counted 3 holes in his shirt! haha

  6. That hole makes it look like it could be a woman's shirt. Oh that is just so funny!

  7. hahah this is so funny! Just yesterday I made my husband buy new jeans because the one's he wears all the time have a big hole in the crotch and he doesn't care! Boys are weird. If I had a hole in my clothes I would see that as the perfect opportunity to go shopping :)

  8. this is hilarious! my husband it's like your T too!

  9. Well on the bright side - in case Trevor needed a ripped-up costume to be a zombie at the last minute, he'd be totally set. So you have that going for you :)


    except I am the type of wife to try and buy her husband new clothes. The only reason I stopped was because I started to sound like the mother of a 6 year old.

    "Where's your new sweater?!"
    "Uh....I think I left it in aarons car"

    "Well call aaron and tell him you need your sweater back!"


    I gave up once I got smaller and cuter people to dress :)

  11. hahah this is hilarious! My hubs is the same way...will wear a shirt over and over and over until holes start to form. They usually always occur in the armpit, so weird. lol
    Luckily, he doesn't wear them out of the house either :)


  12. I've tried to throw away some of my husband's shirts multiple times because they are covered in holes but he won't let me!

  13. My boyfriend has a shirt that has an identical hole in it! I kid you not!! Too funny!!

  14. Hahaha this is hilarious! Boys... what can you do...

  15. I am way too crazy to let my husband do that.. I usually just let him wear something and then throw it out when he's not looking... I'm so awful! :)

  16. What I find funny is the kind of hole that it is!! Seriously, how do you get a hole there!!??

  17. Yeah...that hole has gone way past sloppy. Now it looks like some new fashion...likely meant for women. maybe that will encourage him to retire this one? haha!

  18. Omg :L I've seen you mention it before, but I was not expecting this tbh :') ♥

  19. Haha, I would not allow this in my house. I would totally just throw his shirts away.

  20. This is hilarious! My husband does the same thing with socks, underwear, etc. I say let your husband wear out his shirts... that just means more money for you to buy new clothes, right? ;)

    I usually just end up buying my husband new t-shirts because he is terrible at replacing his holey stuff. (:

  21. I'm always telling my husband that he needs to throw away shirts that he wore in high school! Haha!

  22. You're a much better person than I am... That shirt would've been in the trash a looooong time ago! Hahah :)

  23. I think our husbands would be friends... :)


  24. My husband is the same way with holey shirts! And shorts.

  25. This is too funny! My husband also has a habit of holding onto clothes (and everything else) for way too long.

  26. If it was up to my husband he would wear holey tshirts and holey underware but as soon as I spy a hole i throw it away!

  27. I'm glad to see you don't try to change to him or force him to wear certain clothes.

  28. I'm not even exaggerating when I say my husband has that same shirt with that exact same hole in the exact same location and he REFUSES to let me get rid of it because it's his "favorite". His is from Old Navy I think and it's red...Seriously though, it's exactly the same.

    I just found this link from your dressing for women that I found from Raven's blog:)

  29. Oh, and I just forwarded this to my husband:)


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