Aug 1, 2012

beauty youtube channel.

So something you might not know about me, is that I absolutely love to try out new products! And if you took one look in the cabinet under my bathroom sink you would see that I am a total product junkie.

It is one of the perks of being a woman - being able to indulge oneself in beauty products!

Recently I have fallen in love with YouTube Beauty Channels, and I decided to start my own beauty channel on youtube! It will be a place where I review beauty products, do some tutorials, as well as show you what I am currently loving, and recent purchases I think you would want to know about etc.

You can find my channel at Alycia Crowley

So stay tuned for all the fun, and let me know what kinds of tutorials, product reviews, etc. you would love to see on the channel! Thanks :)

Oh &I got a new camera, and am still learning how to use it... which is evident by the afghan behind me being in perfect focus, and me not, haha OH WELL - it is just an introduction video so I didn't care to go back and try again :) haha


  1. De-lurking here! I love to watch youtube beauty videos, and love having my subscriptions delivered to my email once a week. :) The ones I subscribe to are:
    lisaeldridgedotcom (THE BEST!!!!)

    And now yours! :)

  2. My daughter watch alot of beauty you tube videos. Lindsey went into NY for a make up show and some of them were there. They are almost like celebrites.

  3. You have such a fun blog:). I haven't been able to visit blogs in ages but, I always enjoy stopping by yours. I also enjoy those youtube videos. Look forward to yours!

  4. Ah I love when bloggers vlog! It's a great way to see another side of who they are :) && frankly my dear, it made me love you all the more! PS love the afghan :)

  5. Well, er, you're cute. And a huge dork. But still cute.

  6. Do you use any kind of dry shampoo? I've heard tons of people use it but I'm kinda skeptical. And what types of shampoo/conditioner do you use? :) Is that too nosey? XO

  7. Ooooo, how exciting! A beauty channel. Can't wait to tune in :)

  8. awesome alycia! glad you are starting these videos!!!

  9. Um I Lay in bed at night watching these types of videos and my husban makes fun of me! So I'm super pumped!


  10. yay i'm so glad you've started a beauty channel, I love you tube! Will def be checking out your channel xx

  11. This is soooo COOL!!
    Subscribing, for sure :)

    You make me want to start a channel too!! Not that I would even know where to begin haha.
    Golly gosh, you are probably the blogger I follow who inspires me most!
    It must seem so odd how I just want to copy everything you do like a little minion!!

    ...and that last sentence reads SO weird.

  12. yay! can't wait to watch your videos!!

  13. That's interesting. I've never heard of those beauty channels. You are too cute.

  14. Love your video! Here is one that I subscribe to :)

  15. you are too cute, and great on camera!

  16. woot i'm excited about your channel! i love tutorials and have learned so much from other people. my favorite right now is MMandL channel (it's michelle money's from the bachelor). she's just so hilarious and dramatic, but i love how she gives a lot of great tips and her friend laura is awesome. ha

    welp anyway. happy youtubing! (like we bloggers need one more thing to connect w/ on the internet haha)


  17. I, like you was totally unaware of these beauty videos! Probably another thing to be addicted to! I love your video and it helps to get to know you better just hearing and watching instead of just reading posts. I'm looking forward to more!


  18. Music to my ears. I know some work but I am not willing to go through a ton of products to see which ones do and don't. Good luck!

  19. Love your earrings ;) and that we talked about this just last week-ish :)

  20. She is my favorite!

  21. Cingratulations on starting your own channel! ^^ Good luck with it! :) xo

  22. you're so cute!!! love the video :)
    "honestly, it's weird that you'd want to look at a picture of someone's lunch..." haha!!! SO TRUE.

  23. Hey Alycia!!! I just realized that you were the one that is doing the giveaway on TJ's blog!!!! I already love your blog!

    I tagged you in my blog.... I hope you get a chance to do it! <3

  24. I totally get caught up watching them too...I have a question. What kind of eyeliner do you use? Do you use liquid or crayon/pencil? I love your outfit. You are the epitome of simple chic.

  25. Fun! I love the idea of a beauty channel, this is great. I'll definitely be waiting for more videos :)

  26. Fun! I love the idea of a beauty channel, this is great. I'll definitely be waiting for more videos :)

  27. Fun! I love the idea of a beauty channel, this is great. I'll definitely be waiting for more videos :)

  28. love this idea!! I will definitely be watching. way to step out and add another social media outlet to your repitoir! I totally agree about sm being a people watcher's paradise. i'm a total people watcher too!!

  29. I think it's a great idea. You did great on your introduction and your ending cracked me up!

  30. it IS so creepy that we care about other's lunch! and yea i discovered these tutorials a while ago and was totally shocked i hadn't know about them!

  31. great idea about the channel! i'm sure you will learn the cam quickly :)


  32. Great idea about the channel! Looking forward to your videos! Good luck with the camera too! ;)

  33. Thank you for stopping by ModaMama and for following! I love that you're from Alberta! Yay for Canucks!

  34. Alycia...CONGRATS on the new youtube channel...can't wait to see what's come, girl...and that party you guys just had...CLASSICALLY Beautiful!!...and that swing bed is to DIE for.

    Looking forward to being bloggies!

    Be Blessed <3

    Following via Bloglovin'


Howdy Ho :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have enabled the forum feature on my comments so we can all interact in conversation. So if you leave a question, look back for a reply!