May 10, 2012

tid + bits

+ I didn't even realize it until later... but the nail polish I wore on my toes to the Cinco De Mayo party was an Essie color called Olé Caliente! Love this color, and very fitting for the day might I add :)

+ How cute were these gum packets from the blogging retreat? adorable.

+ So I thought it was pretty funny when I walked into the dinner at the blog retreat, and saw that the decor match perfectly to my "business card" I feel weird calling it a business card, I want to call it my Social Media Card :) haha

+ I have heard so much about this Ben & Jerry's Ice cream flavor, the one with fudge covered potato chips in it. I usually find Ben & Jerry's too expensive, but it was on mega sale so I decided to try it. Not sure if I love it or not yet. They don't really taste like potato chips, which actually bothers me. There more like just a crunchy cluster? hmm. 

Oh and I promise, no more blog posts dedicated to the blogging retreat, I will be back to the regular schedule next week :) haha It was just TOO much to not share!

check out some other tid + bits
in my life that have been

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This link up will be up for a week, you can add your posts at anytime!
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  1. i've been wanting to try that ice cream!

  2. I love your shoes!
    And I think calling it a social media card is a brilliant idea haha! I'm getting some made and I already feel weird calling it a business card!

    Happy Thursday :)

  3. That ice cream flavor does sound pretty strange, not sure if I would be brave enough to try it!

  4. Obsessed with that gum packet, and your social media card is lovely :) xo.

  5. I love your social media card! Also, I have the shoes you are wearing but just cant seem to find an outfit to wear with them!! How did you wear them??

    xo, Vanessa

  6. Your social media card is cute :)

    & chocolate covered potato chips? Hmm....

  7. Um...potato chip clusters?! ZOMG! does that even WORK? Heheheh. Maaaan! :-)

    Your business card/social media card is all kinds of awesomesauce!

  8. I've wanted to try to that ice cream! Maybe I will...

  9. Okay, I have ALWAYS wanted to try that ice cream, but can never seem to buy it in fear that I'll waste an ice cream night on a flavor I dont like! haha

  10. Your 'social media cards' are adorable! Love them :)

  11. I havent heard about this flavor ice-cream... i.must.try.

    And, I LOVE your business cards. So cute and so pretty!


  12. Just found your cute blog and started following you, also joined your link up party!

  13. What a happy coincidence with the toenail polish. You little social media cards are beautiful. Not that I would try that flavor Ben and Jerry's but I miss eating ice cream. Lactose issue for me. sad face here.

  14. Late night snack is my favorite!!!

  15. a) soooo love your social media cards.
    b) let me know how that ice cream is! looks so good!

  16. cute! you look like you had SO MUCH FUN on the retreat :) it makes me want to go! wish i didn't live all the way over on the east coast. keep sharing!


  17. loving your social media card, and polish.

    i wouldnt even think about trying that ice cream, wasnt the potato chips soggy? ew.

  18. The ice cream may sound weird, but it is DELICIOUS. It is a perfect combination of sweet and savory.

  19. Hm... ice cream with potato chips? Not sure about that one. ;D

  20. Your business card is adorable!

  21. Cute gum packets and that ice cream kinda sounds good haha Too bad it doesn't taste more like potato chips,I like salty more than sweet haha

  22. I'm midly obsessed with that mustard yellow color!

  23. I love that card of yours! Too cute! And I've had that ice cream before... A little disappointing! I just really wanted potato chips. ;)


  24. I thought your card was part of the decor! :)

    I saw that flavor of Ben&Jerry's and wondered if it's any're not too terribly convincing. HA!

  25. Do I even dare try that ice cream?
    So ya know, just waiting for you to set me up with your brother....hahaha

  26. I didn't realize that was your business card I thought it was your place card. It is a perfect match!

  27. Your "business cards" look lovely. I like them.
    And post about the retreat all you want, it sounds and looked exciting!!
    That gum... haha it is cute.

  28. HA! I blogged your mama. That's great. Your social media cards are too adorable.. way too adorable.

  29. I've heard that ice cream is really good, but they don't carry it around here.

  30. I'm a little afraid of that Ben & Jerry's flavor!

  31. Have to ask who designed your cards and where did you have them printed?
    They are adorable. They matched so well I just assumed it was like a place card at your seat! :)

  32. Cutest "social media" cards ever!!
    So fun!
    And those shoes are darling too!
    Happy Weekend!

  33. Love all your photos. =)

  34. Such pretty, fun images! That packaging is awesome!

  35. I had to go back and read the previous posts, I honestly thought that blogger party was in honour of you! The colors matched perfectly to your card.

  36. I kind of love the idea of a social media card. :) yours are adorable!


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