Apr 19, 2012

tid + bits

+For a long time I have been searching for THE perfect yellow stoned ring. Happy to say I finally found it. I am seriously in love with it :)

+Trevor has always taken it upon himself to do his own laundry. For that I am grateful, however... he doesn't like to put his shirts in the dryer and has developed the wonderful habit of hanging them all over the apartment to dry. He also has developed the habit of never picking them up from where they dry and putting them away, so I end up eating meals next to clean shirts? Baby steps I guess... haha

+I absolutely LOVE sandal season :) But even better then that, I love scoring cute sandals on super sale :) $12 bucks people!
check out some other tid + bits
in my life that have been
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  1. I must admit...I'm guilty of not drying my clothes and hanging them on the tops of doors inside our house, oops! {bad habit}

  2. that ring is really beautiful!

  3. Love the ring! I'm guilty of leaving clothes strewn around my house as I let them air dry but I try to limit it to the upstairs!

  4. I was gonna say, LOVE your sandals!! Where did you get them for 12 bucks? Love a good pair of 12 dollar sandals!

    And my husband's dirty clothes don't even make it into the basket. I find them all over the place: beside the laundry basket, in the organized bins on the shelf in the closet, laying next to the bed, balled up in a corner somewhere. It's really frustrating, especially when I get all the laundry washed & then I find that he had a whole other load of laundry that needed to be washed in different areas of the house :) Men...

  5. I have those sandals too! They combine my two favorite things, braids and turquoise. Love them.

  6. I love the sandals! so cute :)

    and i'm gonna try for this tid+bits business. looks fun!

  7. Those sandals are SO cute, and what an awesome ring! And at least he does his own laundry, that's a plus :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  8. That is a gorgeous ring! You can always get a drying rack {looks like a quilt rack} and then you can have your chairs back. :)

  9. That ring is gorgeous. My style too. Good luck on the husband portion of him putting his clothes away. I still struggle with my husband dropping his laundry on the floor next to the laundry basket. And using our dining room as a bedroom. We just celebrated 19years. Train hard, start early. lol I love scoring cute sandals on sale, I scored a lovely pair from Jcrew last year.

  10. Beautiful ring and what a great find, those cute sandals! Thanks for following my blog! Following you back!

  11. I adore that ring! Trevor's laundry habits make me laugh. I'm grateful that my husband does all the laundry- even folds my clothes and puts them away.

  12. That ring is so pretty and one of my favorite colors! Those sandals are pretty cute too and another one of my favorite colors! :) Would love to know where you got them!

  13. Love the sandals and the $12 price tag makes them even better. Way to go!


  14. haha i have the same habit as your husband! i don't dry a lot of my stuff and they are hanging on door knobs and all sorts of places in the office in our house.. and i always forget to put them away. my husband loves it so much.

  15. cute sandals!


  16. i love your ring! That is my birthstone so I think I need one like it. ; )

  17. Where is that ring from because it looks like my wedding ring, except I have a turquoise stone. Also, I asked for my ring to be made raised so I can stack rings with it better. I LOVE this style, isn't it great!

    my wedding ring

  18. Thanks a lot for your lovely comment ! Hope you can learn a little bit french with my blog ;)
    Love your ring !
    See you

  19. my husband does the EXACT SAME THING!! I hate it!!! But yeah.. baby steps, I suppose.

  20. Ok, I really really like those sandles! They are so cute!

    P.S. did you get my e-mail?

  21. I need to link up next week! Love the ring. Is it citrine?!

  22. LOVE the sandals, and I LOVE the polish! :)

  23. i love your ring and sandals!!! i'd LOVE to be a part of your weekly tib + bits...i do my own version, "bits + pieces" on fridays....but my blog is set to private, to keep our adopted baby girl safe (long story)...but i would love to have you follow me so i can link up with you! let me know if you'd like me to send you an invite! just need your e-mail!
    thanks! :)
    ps - i follow you on instagram too, and i'm "mythoughtfulspotem" :)

  24. Open doors are perfect for hanging pants... Just sayin :P

  25. Not a gold fan but that ring is pretty!

  26. Oh I just love those sandals! What a way to add a pop of colour to your outfit.


  27. Love that ring, it's beautiful!

  28. beautiful ring! where is it from? i'm also excited for sandal season! it's been raining every day here in utah county. i'm ready for some steady sunshine!
    xoxo, great little day

  29. cute cute cute! Summer fashion is on its way! I bought three new pairs of sandals and summer hasn't even started yet. I guess I better be making room in the closet! LOVE the ring! Where did you find it?

  30. p.s. your picture is adorable. I love to see couples lovin' on each other!

  31. Thanks for the love on my blog! Yours is so cute, and I'm curious to how you found your way to mine. Hope you have a nice friday!

  32. HI! I love your blog too! I'm so glad we could find each other :) I will definitely be back! :)

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Love the sandals! Super cute :)

  35. Yay for the perfect yellow ring and the $12 sandals!:D

    ***** Marie *****

  36. If it helps, my rule is that if it's not in a closet or a drawer it must be dirty, so I periodically go through and move any clothes lying around into the hamper.

  37. If it helps, my rule is that if it's not in a closet or a drawer it must be dirty, so I periodically go through and move any clothes lying around into the hamper.

  38. Ran across your blog and I looooove it :]

    You are so cute with the funnest style! I'm in love with your sandals - time for Summer already!


  39. Haha love the clothes everywhere, at least you don't have to wash them I guess.

  40. I must admit I am a little bit obsessed with your blue sandals. I'll remember to link next week :)

  41. Those sandals are super hot!

    Clothes problem solved: http://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/product.asp?SKU=18117134&RN=1024&
    We hardly put anything in the dryer at our place either.

  42. Love your tidbits! The ring and sandals are both gorgeous : )

  43. Love, love, loving your ring, so pretty! :) Baby steps on the laundry drying indeed...hehe!

  44. Cute sandals! I'm so glad you found my blog,I'm now following you back! Have a great weekend :)


  45. my husband does the exact same thing!! i love that i'm not the only laundry doer but sometimes i come home and it's like walking into a department store. :)


  46. I love the ring, so beautiful! I do the laundry, but actually have the same habit of hanging clothes to dry around the house (hubs doesn't mind since he doesn't get to do laundry)!

  47. Really love your blog !!!
    Kisses from Spain :)


  48. every time sandal season comes back around I get so excited... but then I remember I have to keep my toes looking fancy. Compromise.

  49. That yellow stone ring is lovely! I have been looking for a good mood ring myself. :)

  50. i have those sandals in tan and i wear them....every day. they are on my feet at this moment. it is an obsession.

  51. I hung a shower curtain rod over our washer/dryer so that we can hang things on that! Then when there is nothing hanging, I close the curtain which is cute for decor, since our washer/dryer is in the bathroom ;)

  52. that ring is awesome!
    a little late, but i linked up =)

    i enjoy your blog!

  53. Oh I loooove that ring!! Right now I am on the hunt for a fun/fashionable gold watch!!

  54. That ring is gorgeous. I know what it's like to be on the hunt for the right ring (or earrings, bracelet, coffee table--haha) so its great you found it.

    I must admit that I am guilty of hanging clothes all over my little love shack to dry, often leaving the clothes there until I am ready to wear them again. Glad to know I'm not the only one.

  55. Nice sandals! They're my favourite colour. :)

  56. Those sandals with that nail polish looks super cool!

  57. I love those turquoise sandles! How pretty!

    I also wanted to let you know about a great giveaway from Shabby Apple that I'm hosting right now! Hope you enter!




  58. Oh I love that ring!! Right now I am on the hunt for a fun/fashionable gold watch!!

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