New Advertising!


I am happy to announce that I have updated my advertising options into a whole new process! 

I am excited to be offering Group Features (that will have a really fun twist to them, e-mail me if you want to know what that will be!) Giveaway Options, and even a Solo Post option!

STATS (as of 4/9/2012)

+Over 2,600+ GFC Followers
+Average around 2,000 page views a day.
+Average 43,000 a month.
+Post 5-6 times a week!
+All posts get fed through my facebook and twitter!

Go check out the new advertisement options!

*E-mail me by 4/22 if you are interested in advertising on Crowley Party for MAY!

You can reach me at 
if you are interested in learning even more details!

WINNER of the Ash Mae Temple Print Giveaway is...
 Ashley Bell!
D & A said...
I would love a picture of the LA temple. That's where I was married.
e-mail me :)


  1. Yep you were right...loving these options!
    Emailing you RIGHT THIS SECOND :)

    Happy weekend, girl!

  2. Great! Hope you get tons!

  3. Soo cool!


Howdy Ho :) Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have enabled the forum feature on my comments so we can all interact in conversation. So if you leave a question, look back for a reply!