Feb 29, 2012

Red Face.

So I have been a little MIA lately… a big reason is the fact that I am in hiding. I brought home a little present with me from Snowboarding last weekend… it is called windburn.
It looks horrible, and it isn’t getting better as fast as I want it too. It has been really embarrassing to be at work with. I would post a pic, but it isn’t very flattering, so here is a link to it if you would like to check it out. This is a picture of it when it wasn't so bad too... ehh.

I have been putting tons of Vaseline on it, but does anyone else have tips for helping speed up the process? It is just so red, and is peeling and has super dry patches of skin. 
No bueno people. No bueno.


  1. That looks like it hurts! :( I hope it gets better SOON!

  2. OUCH!
    Vaseline, Vaseline, Vaseline!
    Remember: temporary pain is forever gain!

    Oh, Just Livin' the Dream

  3. oh no!!
    Poor lady... I think you just need to keep putting vaseline on it... Ihope you feel better soon.

  4. i've had plenty of those burns in my day. haha. they hurt like a mother father! ouch.

    really the only thing you can go it just make sure to keep it moisturized. don't let it get dry, then it will get worse.

    so you are doing just what it needs. or if you have any, aloe works well, if you have a aloe plant those work the best. :)

  5. Ok is it sad that I'm laughing? I just have TOTALLY had that happen before. I remember the day like it was yesterday--only because it was so bad! Oh..Utah weather how I despise you sometimes! :)


  6. Oh no, it really does look painful! Hope it gets better soon! I think vaseline is the best choice! xxx

  7. I feel your pain! I had my first round of photodynamic therapy this past week which turns your face RED and peels like a terrible sunburn. Yuck.
    Good luck with the vaseline. Would aloe vera help with that (I've never had windburn, only sunburns)?


  8. So sorry! Other than aloe and Tylenol, I have no other suggestions.

  9. vitamin E, girlfran! helps heal the skin. I definitely burned a huge chunk of my skin on my forehead off, and put vitamin e on it religiously, and now you can barely even tell there's a scar there.

  10. Awwww it will be better soon. I hope you had fun snowboarding though =)

    - Sarah

  11. Aw, hope it heals ASAP!
    Sheila xo

  12. I saw your pic on instagram the other day and out loud was like "OWWWW!" Poor thing! I hope it gets better soon!!!

  13. ohhh no! That looks so uncomfortable! I would recommend Vitamin E or arnica

  14. I snowboard, so I know exactly what you are going through. It is pretty much heal on its own kind of thing.

    Next time try tying a bandana around your head so that it covers your nose and mouth. Like make a triangle and tie the 2 corners behind your head and pull it up over your nose, and then put on your goggles. The goggles keep it from slipping down. I always wear a bandana. No more wind burn for me.

  15. Ouch! Get some aquaphor on there stat!

  16. My goodness, that looks so painful! I hope it heals quickly!

  17. oh honey! that looks painful! i hope it gets better soon.

  18. I SWEAR by Aquaphor. The stuff is the best. Use it and you will see. It is great for everything including burns!! Feel better girl!

  19. oh no! i've never had this before, but sending quick prayers your way for a quick recovery!
    xo TJ

  20. Try taking vitamins to help boost your skin growth metabolism. Something like hair,skin,& nails or even pre-natal vitamins may work. I hope these help!

  21. Yikes! That's worse than I imagined. I've heard great things about aquaphor everyone is talking about. Go and buy some.

  22. Still not better?? Crappy! Get some of the cetaphil moisturuzing cream. I swear by that stuff.
    I'm sorry its gotten worse :( So crazy and so weird!

  23. Aww I looked at the pic and guess what? You are STILL beautiful in spite of it! Plus, you look better than the time that I went in the sun when I was on antibiotics...I'm talking swollen like a puffer fish! Just think how funny the story will be later on ;)

  24. you poor thing!! i'm sure the fun trip was worth it though.

  25. Awww that's such a bummer - it's never happened to me {yet}, but I can imagine that it could be painful :/

    Hope it goes away soon!


  26. ouch... that looks very painful. vaseline is a very good idea. one of my favorite facial creams is Cetaphil. you can find it right at walmart, and it doesn't leave your face shiney like vaseline does. just a thought. :) good luck!

  27. Poor thing :/ I hope it's getting better!!

  28. No bueno!! That looks super painful! I really love aquaphor which is really similar to vaseline. Also - Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing lotion is awesome. They also make a after sun repair which might help - anything with aloe really.

  29. DUDE that SUCKS!!! You need to come visit and I can show you some gear that will prevent that.

    So sorry Alycia!!

  30. vaseline doesn't let oxygen in to let it breathe.
    i would try arnica and vit e. just pop vit e capsule and rub that on there.
    you could also rub in some yogurt to take down the inflammation if there is any. try some cooked oatmeal on there as well. takes away redness and inflammation.
    hope it gets better, that looks like it kills!

  31. OUCH! Hope you're feeling better!

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    Hope to see you there! Thanks!


  33. Hope your wind burn is healing...I've had a tiny bit of that before, but not nearly like yours! However, you still shine through it all! :)

  34. Girlfriend! I am so sorry! I've never seen that before...but if I were you, I would definitely use this to justify a new pair of shoes or something to you up!

  35. Poor thing :( I hope you are sunny faced again by now :)


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