Jun 9, 2011

tulip festival.

Since Trevor's parents were up in Salt Lake City for my graduation we decided that we should get together with some family that lives near by and go see the tulip festival they have up here. It was really beautiful, but I am not going to lie, the tulip fields they have in Carlsbad in California are way better. While the flowers are better in Carlsbad, the landscape and features of this place was much cooler. Where in Carlsbad there are just fields and fields of gorgeous flowers, here it was like a maze of gardens, and there was a gorgeous house, or mansion really, on the property, waterfalls, you name it, they had it.
It was a great afternoon with family, and the sun was finally coming out in Utah, hurray for that!
It was a gorgeous day :)
p.s. these are Trevor's infamous cut off shorts he makes every time he gets holes in his jeans. please tell him they are not as amazing as he thinks they are, haha.


  1. What a colorful post!!! LOVELY!

  2. wow gorgeous photos! so many pretty colors :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  3. haha. boys and their fashion ideas. lol. The tulips are great!

  4. Those flowers are beautiful! These pictures are amazing. :]

  5. AH! My Trevor has cutoff shorts too that he wears every.day.of.the.summer. Ridiculous.

    The tulips are incredibly gorgeous and looks like you guys had a great time!


  6. the flowers are beautiful! and your husband is wearing jorts so no, they are not amazing like he thinks :) my hubby had a pair when we started dating. i have no idea what happened to them once we moved in together (shrugs shoulders innocently)

  7. Oh my gosh- breathtaking!! Tulips are my favorite kind of flower. When I was little, I had a pink room with tulips stenciled near the top. Talk about hardcore, lol.

    Beautiful pictures, though! Looks like you had a great time with your family.

  8. OMG! A tulip festival sounds amazing! Those pictures are beautiful. I would love to go to one like that!

  9. Wow. That place is amazing. I love that fountain.

  10. haha- well at least he's being thrifty, making his own shorts? I love the tulips, I want to go to Washington to see the tulips too!

  11. Haha yes, you need to get the man some real shorts, or teach him that holey pants can be mended!

    The tulips and the landscaping look seriously gorgeous!!

  12. Isn't that place beautiful?? We are so lucky to have it pretty much in our backyard :) Your outfit is so stinking CUTE!!! What can I say about Trevor....hmmmm can't stop laughing my butt off. He must be some brave and cool dude by wearing them in public and letting you post to the blogging world. :)

  13. I love the flowers. WOW. Breathtaking

  14. Oh my goodness! I am in love! I ador tulips! They are my favorite flower :D Of course I pick the hardest flower to find in a store..;) I always want to get some but our stores here in FL don't have them :(

    Looks like you had a fun time there! Its breathtakingly beautiful

  15. Ohh man it's much prettier now then when I went! Love the photos!

  16. Wow these tulips look absolutely beautiful! and what a smart idea Trevor has with cutting off shorts when he gets holes in his jeans! (:

  17. Oh, I love tulips! It's my favourite flower on earth! And you look fantastic

  18. Just stumbled across your blog. Very beautiful x

  19. i totally wanted to go to that. maybe next year. it looks beautiful.

  20. haha hey, at least he isn't wearing capris...haha beautiful pictures!!!

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  21. Those flowers are gorgeous!! Looks like a fun day :)

    I finally opened my Etsy shop! Check out my recent post for discounts if you're interested!

  22. Really, I just can agree with all the others: beautiful pictures, so colorful!
    And boys, d'uh. Sometimes them just can't be helped...

    Here's to a happy weekend. XO.

  23. Mmmm those flowers are delightful! We have a tulip festival here in Portland too and now I def need to go check it out. Beautiful pics too!

  24. Wow! Wow!
    Unbelievably beautiful!

  25. Stunning photos! I love that fountain...so pretty and perfect. A part of me just wants to jump in!

  26. ooh the tulip festival looks absolutely incredible! i love all the colors and that fountain is gorgeous. your family looks so happy <3shelby


  27. New reader here, I love your blog!

    I had to post a comment about the shorts...my husband does the exact same thing and he gets excited every time he sees another guy with the same *great* idea.

    So funny.

  28. congrats on your graduation!!! love the pictures!! so pretty to walk around t-point gardens. okay so are you related to courtney then?

  29. courtney and trevor are sibs? i'm figuring this out...i think. :)

  30. hey! your tulips don't suck. just instead of weird, part dutch people clinging to elements of a culture which may or may not be made up, you have mormons!

  31. those pictures just made my day, thank you!

  32. Wow, what vivid and pretty tulips!

  33. beautiful pictures! we don't get tulips down here but had a bunch of them when i was living in washington state. i miss the bright colors. you two are adorable!


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